What´s your biggest dream? What would you do to make it a reality?

in #dream7 years ago

We all have dreams.

Even you, it doesn´t matter how much you try to deny it. I know you have dreams and goals. I´m talking to you, person who says life couldn´t get any better; I´m also speaking to you, Steemian who is already disappointed in life and doesn´t want to speak out their dreams in case life has another plan for you.

At one point in my life I had many dreams, crazy dreams if you may call them. Everybody around me told me I had to stop thinking like that or I wouldn´t achieve anything worthy and I would waste the best years of my life.

I listened to them

Around 13 years old, I stopped dreaming and I took the normal person path. I still had some crazy ideas and some times I would even write them down and plan them out even when I knew I wouldn´t develop them, just to see if they were achievable.

By the time I was 16 years old I was already part of the social system, thinking and doing as I was told, behaving as my peers expected me to and as they behaved. But I still had crazy ideas visiting my mind while I was in Morpheu´s realm. Not crazy crazy ideas, but at least groundbreaking ideas - according to my 16 yr old mind - and I even tried to develop one or two of them.

I was organizing massive parties at 17 and making a considerable profit out of it. One time I rented a bus so I, along other 50 17 year olds, could skip class and go drink to a popular spot in Mexico city called "Las trajineras" (Google it, its pretty cool). I even started my own social event photography business at 18 years old. It worked for a while, then I got into college and, despite my drive to get out of the social norm, my desire to fit in got in the way,

It took me 25 years to realize I had to do whatever it took to accomplish my dreams or I would always be living a simulation of what I´ve always wanted.

My dream? To travel the world.

But with no money of my own, no real experience traveling and zero support from my family it was a dream I could hardly accomplish without losing something(s) in the process.

I had to get rid of my pride, my fears, the social structure I had in my mind, the people inside my head teeling me what I wanted was not possible and my own view of the world.

I mean, it was an impossible task. I left home with 500 dollars and my life in my backpack, no means for supporting myself apart from one thing: a website I bought, a facebook page and a dream.

A dream to get paid to travel.

And I achieved it thanks to Steemit.

This is a very long story. I won´t tell you about accomplishing the dream. This post is to talk about dreams and what would you do to fulfill them,

So, I told you about my dream and what I did to accomplish it,.

Aren´t you going to tell me about yours and what you had to do / what would you do to see that dream come true?

I´ll tell you what, if at least 50 people share their dreams here in the comment section, I will share with you another dream I have and I am about to accomplish very soon.

How does that sound?




My biggest dream is to be the first person in my family to get a Masters Degree, rAise my son outside of poverty like I lived. To buy my parents our own house one day. I will work day and night , I won’t fall

Well my dream is to make anyone that comes In contact with me a success even with the slightest of contact like just knowing/mentioning my name. Just like those that created steemit and bitcoin.

Well currently I'm on track, definitely on track. Most of the days I sleep by 1am knowing well that I'll have to get up by 6am latest to complete other tasks. Why I keep up with this routine is so I reacess myself, the ups and downs and where I need to improve on.

Dreams are the stepping stones for the actualization of great feats in life. We should all dare to dream.


My dream/dreams is to have a job but i don't want to engage in a company or to work under someone's command, therefore I'm looking to to be a freelancer but the problem is I'm still looking for a way to achieve that(any suggestions!) For now I'm trying to learn more about arts, specially drawing after improving my skills I'll be offering those skills in making logos, banners, backgrounds, portraits... Etc

I'm starting from people around here and i made a portrait for you IMG_20180603_202752.jpg

Also I've made a video if you want to check it on my blog!

It does not have to be a dream, a formal outline will define your ambition to succeed in your wanting of an ideal. Take it from a "used to have everything" to a "i have nothing, & I am OK" type person.

A fresh start would be to sell your things and or give to a good cause, this will take time because of your ego will get bruised when you find out that your loves are not loved financially. This will be a hard period in your quest for freeeeeeedom. It took me three years to get to the point of letting go with no financial gain. My spirit was cleansed.

On to the next milestone my grasshopper...to live on rubber, enclosed in a tin shell...with possibly no way to get rid of excrement that needs to be disposed off in our modern society. To say the least, getting used to the fact that cooking, eating, sh@tting, F@cking, all take place in the same place. If you are still with me, and like what I said thus far....

Seriously, I have pretty much looked into all forms of making money on the road and supporting my habit of seeing the globe. Do not take this the wrong way, starting on the bottom will make you a top.

I will follow your progress.20180603_121255.jpg

Funnily enough I have a very similar dream to yours now, but as often is the case, it didn't start out this way. I want to travel the world and write for a living and have done for a while but the travel element of this dream only started about 2 years ago, before I found steemit and just after my last travelling trip which was to Mexico, Yucatan peninsula. It's strange the way dreams change and evolve, I always dreamed of being a writer, so much so that I went to university to study IW (imaginative writing) and was told over and over again that I was wasting my time by my grandfather.

Ha ha, I must be stubborn because I didn't listen and just did it anyway. After uni something happened that drove the creative spirit out of me, one of those life things that just punches your guts out of the back of your throat and leaves you gasping for air. I stopped writing and mulled around for ages in shity going-nowhere jobs before I started working for charities. Although I enjoyed it, mostly, the stress was intense and it was only when I discovered steemit after loosing my last job that I realized my ambition, to write and get paid for it. There is no way I'd be planning to set off around the world at over 35 years of age if it wasn't for the confidence in my writing and reigniting of my dreams that happened here. A little cheesy maybe,😉 but it has saved me from just accepting the stress and drudgery as inevitable and allowed me to stretch my hand out and grasp that insubstantial dream to make it reality.

Can't wait to here about your new dream Eric.

I have dreams, can travel around the world, so I have a lot of inspiration to write my latest book.
I also dreamed that one day my novel would be adapted into a movie.
and believe it or not, Steemit began to be an important step for my dream as a personal promotion of my work.

thank you for you who have shared your dream and thank you Steemian all who also have willing to share in comment below.


I've always been labeled as misfit, eccentric, queer, to name a few, because I want to be a painter. I've had good scholarship in college, but I couldn't even finish one semester. It became worse when I started drawing again in 2012. I stopped going to school all together. It was hard for my parents because they had big dreams for me, but I've always wanted to be an artist, a story-teller through sketches and color play.

Right now, the biggest dream is to attend an Atelier. A school that teaches the traditional techniques modeled after the 18th to 19th century master artists. It is a very expensive school, you see. I need at least $10,000 for a year including tuition fee, board and lodging, food, art materials, miscellaneous. And that it is like the cheapest I could find, not to mention that it is across the world. (Academy of Realist Art Boston)

My dream is to be a medic, I really want to help people, and I will start making my dream come true by entering the university next year, It's not gonna be easy but I will work hard to make my dream come true.

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