(Drawing Challenge#2) Learn to draw with Nicole #7 : Flower with Water color pencil【 跟妮可學畫畫 #7:花朵與水彩木筆】
Hello Steemit friends ❤️,
Welcome to my post and hope you are doing good today!
Noticed that the 2nd Drawing Challenge held by @helene had begun. I would like the share my painting with all of you!
Topic of this week : Flower 本週繪畫主題:花
Paintings are not limited to: sketch, color pencil, watercolor, oil painting, ink painting, computer drawing.
The only requirement is to show your drawing process.
For this competition, I chose to use water color pencil to create my flower.
Process 過程
Step 1 Download an image online and use pencil to sketch your flower.
Step 2 Use waterproof sign pen to outline your flower.
Step 3 Try your water-color pencil on another paper. You can test and confirm the color you need for your flower.
嘗試運用你的水彩鉛筆在另一張紙上。 你可以測試並確認您所需要的顏色。
Step 4 Start to paint your flower. You may feel free to start anywhere on your sketch.
開始畫你的花。 您可以隨意在圖上任何地方開始。
For this flower, I had mixed yellow, red, purple and orange. 我混合了黃色,紅色,紫色和橙色 於這花上。
Step 5 You may add water on the colored part, the water will dissolve with the color. Your flower will turns more vivid.
你可以在彩色的部分加水,水會與顏色溶解。 你的花會變得更生動。
Step 6 Continue to paint your flower! Refer to your printed image, this will be a good reference for you to learn!
繼續為你的花填色! 參考你的印刷出來的圖像,這將是你學習的好參考!
Final Painting 最終畫作
This is the painting I drew this morning! ❤️ Please upvote and support me in the competition if you like my painting.
這是我今天的畫 ❤️ 如果你喜歡,請在比賽 中支持我~
A little quote for all of you 給大家的小語錄 :
Whenever life plants you, bloom with grace.

👆🏻Upvote & Follow Nicole! 👆🏻
very nice work
真的很厲害 支持一下
have you really done this by yourself? very impressive work @nicolemoker. upped & followed.
Ofcoz its done by me:) You may check out my previous post if you are interested :)
... will defo do later on today.
謝謝 @sweetsssj 支持❤️
如果是我畫的花應該在起草圖時就開始崩壞了 lol
🤤Lovely and beautiful❤️️
Waiting for your painting!