Your pencil is sooooo tiiiiiiiiiiny and cute XD
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that starts with the eyes/face, it's still usually the first thing I draw even though I overpaint bases now. Everyone else I knew used construction methods and I was starting to wonder if I was a little bit defective ;D
I love the flowy-ness (totally a word! XD) of the hair and the dress, and I was wondering who she was going to club with that item under the pillow, now I know it's a stake, hope she's quick enough XD

is a tiny but is a good pencil XD
i cant do constructions :O they make my drawings stiff and unnatural and stuffy so ryry is like me??? :D yey we can be weirdbuddies XD
yes i hope she quick enough too, mr vampi probably superfast... ohno