My First Book’s Cover with My Own Painting

in #drawing7 years ago (edited)


It’s been a week that I didn’t post anything in Steemit. When it’s not a holiday, for student like me, it’s so difficult to keep writing every day. Furthermore, since I started this Steemit for drawing, free time is the most crucial thing that I need. Thus, I can keep sharing my experience in this blog.

This Friday, I have no activity to do. Then I just think that I need to draw and write something for Steemit. It’s better rather than sleeping. Therefore, today’s post is that the result of this free Friday.

The idea for today’s painting was from the new papers and rope that I just got by wondering around the Gramedia Banda Aceh. I planned to make a book cover for the yellow papers that I love… I thought about making my own note book with classical looks. Firstly I just wanted to make a scarping cover with a lot of pop up pictures. But when I saw my new acrylic colours, I challenge myself to paint the background with them. This is how I do the painting.


firstly, I made a sketch. This sketch I got after watching some youtube videos about painting with acrylic colours for beginner.


After finishing the sketch I started to draw the sky. I only got a chance to take this one picture for the process. It’s because I too focused on the painting, so I forgot to record some phases in the painting process. Anyway what I did was just like the beginner done; splashing and scrubbing the brush into the paper randomly till I found the perfect look.

Actually I was losing my mood in the middle, because I couldn’t really use this kind of colours on the paper. It dried so fast that I had no chance to blend the colours so that I took a break and got some lunch. Then at last, I finished both paintings as in these pictures.


Well, after the painting was finished, I took the rope and the paper to make the book. (the ribbon on the picture was not used because it’s too big).


Then I tied both covers and the papers with the rope, thus my very first own book with my own painting was done.


Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy it… bye bye…^_^/….
Don’t forget to Upvote and Comment….


Wew lukisan n kreatifitasnya kren bnget.

hehe.. Makasih

Sama2 rita. Coba aja sering menggambar pasti hasilnya bgus2 smua

yupp... sure, xlo ada freetime pasti gambar... Thank you Sarannya

Sesekali gambar bareng yok..

haha,.. gak PD :D

Lah knpa emngnya? Kita sma2 bljar kok

hahah.. I just not ready yet.. but I don't know one day.. :D

Bagus sekali kreatifitasnya. Bisa dijual lhooo .... Cantik, berkualitas, dan menguntungkan :D

Thank you hime... tapi xlo mau di jual itu harus bagus dulu gambarnya.. wkwk.. itu gambar aq masih kasar.. masih perlu latihan...

Seni itu tidak harus bagus ta, terkadang tidak bagus di mata kita, tapi menawan di mata orang lain. Itulah kenapa disebut seni. Seni itu bebas ^^

luarbiasa @hime.sama, sip,, I noted that... Insya Allah semoga yes..

nice kakak :) keren lukisannyaa

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