Hair 🥲
I am very happy with what I have drawn. Except my brain is running away from drawing that hair. I remember how my Bang Chan drawing turned out. Zoomed out, Oh it's so beautiful. And when you zoom in, the version I see when I'm drawing, is wacky 😄
"Hair, o hair,
When shall I stop running from thee?"
Or should I just make her bald? 😅
Her mouth looks like she just came out from a bad harmattan 😂
Anyways, I shall complete this drawing! I give you my word. 😸
Edit: Unbalded
Now she looks hangry.
Landscape photography
Oh I also forgot!
She did surgery on her lips:
This is soooo good. I like her bald😄
Bald?! 😭😭 She's not even bald! 😭
I meant, I prefer this...her being bald 😄
Thank you. I'm glad you like it. Even though she's bald now. I really don't know how to draw hair well. Yet. 😸
No, I do not like your drawing - I love it! You draw so perfectly - the eyes, nose and mouth. The attention to detail is insane! 🤯