Looking Back on Drawing 2005-2006

in #drawing7 years ago

doug 2006 by allowistic artist.jpg

Ernie 7min sketch allowistic artist 2006.jpg

These are some drawings from my early years getting back to drawing and developing my eye to see again.

I would take my grandmother to church and draw the backs of peoples heads to see If I could capture who it is from a different perspective. Fun thing is everyone could recognize who it is.

Phill 2006 by allowistic artist.jpg

This one above is the father of the top drawing. It is interesting to me to look back at this time in my life as I started to become more comfortable with a pencil in my hands again.

hair with pen 2006 by allowstic artist.jpg

These studies also allowed me to observe how hair flows.

old man 2006 by allowistic artist.jpg

I would draw with what ever materials I had on hand. This one was in pen and started my exploration in to the variations a pen can make in marks on paper.

Kalei 2006 by allowistc artist.jpg

I like to draw names as it is something unique to a person and can put a smile on most faces :)

church 2005 allowsitc artist.jpg

Some time I tried to draw more than just the back of the head to see if I could draw more of the moment.

watermellon man 2005 allsistic artist.jpg

Some drawings are more stylistic

young couple allowsitc artist 2005.jpg

face in the paper allowistic artist 2006.jpg

Some drawing I did on the front of the papers they gave us.

eye of prayer allowistic artist 2006.jpg

This is my Eye of Prayer drawing I did from that time. These drawings were done in 2005 and 2006 at a time in my life when I hit reset and started over. Pretending like I just graduated highschool with a really weird dream of years gone by. I started over and redefined myself as an Artist. I spent many many hours drawing and observing and deciding to see more beauty in my world. I hope you take the time to hit reset not and then and start over.


Hey man, this is an awesome idea! I have a weird thing about being able to draw in front of people, and I guess that probably has a lot to do with me not being able to draw people, haha. Anyways, maybe I'll try this method if I ever get over it. Good stuff as always!

"being able" to draw is a process if you think oh man I "can't" do it. Just Keep doing it until you CAN.. That is what I did at first I could not get it to look how I see then I keep doing it and observing where I can improve until I am happy with the result for me. Always draw for your self and let others worry about there self, Keep trying and failing and over time your failures will reduce and the success will overcome your fear. IT is all just about having fun be that kid again that just draw to have fun no worry about BEING right or wrong. Just express yourself and have fun. I only shared the stuff that comes out and so do other artists we all have piles and piles of shit that is not how we like it and that is just life. :) Come check me out over on Vaudle.com app I am sharing more of my audio over there.

I don't really have a fear or self-consciousness problem, I can just be somewhat private. I am a very loud person around my friends but then when it comes to stuff I create or whatever I'm much more comfortable zoning out and doing things alone and then if I like something someone can look at it later, if they want. I don't take it all that seriously.

That's what I mean when I say I have a "weird thing", it's not really that I'm self-conscious I just can't really put my focus into things with others around. I guess it's more of an attention issue. But, like I said, I don't take my own artwork all that seriously so I never really feel motivated to share it. Maybe someday that will change, and I'm sure it will; but I'm in no rush. If I don't really feel the need to share it, I don't, until I'm satisfied.

I am definitely interested in checking out the app. I remember you telling me about it. Currently, I have a very old MacBook I bought off eBay years back and it has some pretty serious issues. It can hardly handle Steemit half the time; I have to use certain websites on different browsers, and sometimes the browsers or even the whole computer will crash while jumping around. So, I'm kind of putting a hold on continuing to explore other apps and platforms until I can afford a new computer. It's been something I've been wanting for a long time and I think I may be able to do so in the next few months. Once I have more reliable technology I will gladly join you there!

Ah I see. yEs the others look can be distracting at times. The app run s on an iphone so a new puter will not help on that front... unless it is one of those shinny iphones :)

Oh! I was unaware. I'll look into it!

I did my whole Vlog on my iphone this last time. I made the video and the time lapse as well as the music for the timelaps with GarageBand then I made the snap for it in Photoshop and had to use handbrake to convert the video from .mov to .mp4 I have a 2012 MacBook Pro with an i7 and 16 gb of ram and a dead power supply so I really need to get that thing running again.
Here is a link to my latest Vlog https://steemit.com/vlog/@allowisticartist/w22tswpn

Love Ernie in 7mins - really characterful.

Thank you that was a fun drawing to do, we were sitting at dinner and I took out my sketchbook to capture that moment in time.


Thank you @miyata1987 :)

hair is always such a challenge. Maybe not as much as hands. But, you seem to draw this stuff flawlessly! Great stuff

Thanks :)
after I learned hair I moved on to hands stopped after the thumb hehe

Amazing You are showings some pieces of art I never seen before I love those drawings you did an amazing job 😘

Oh cool I have some stuff you have yet to see still to come :) I am full of art to share....

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