(HARD ART4)For Dragon art contest (My bohye part 2) with @krisyglas
This dragon is only to enliven the contest
Hallo @kristyglas!
This is the 2nd dragon contest
"Mr.bohye part 2"
Hope can entertain and consider my brother.
Thank you very much
😉 nice work
thank my brother
Looks beautiful, do you have more photos? Like unfiltered photo and maybe steps? :)
I am compiling all of the entries right now for voting and I am including the steps.
Unfortunately I do not have many collections of dragon. I am happy with illustration. But i will try to it friend
Why can't you take more photos? Unfiltered and better photo quality. This one is only around 540x537 pixels, way lower than your last entry.
oke thank for infomation @kristyglas.i will try