Some Fun In The Shower
One of the goals this week is to be more involved with the community on Steemit. There has been an uptick in posts this week. I'm still not close to where I want to be, but it's a work in progress. Eventually, the channel will be up to par and I'll be posting on a more consistent basis.
Tonight I set up the camera while I was taking a shower. It's a more challenging task than I thought it would. The floor was prepared for wetness, but it definitely was not enough preparation. The floor ended up getting soaked! There is always next time for improvement.
Until Then. Hope you enjoy
Mmmm...u have a nice ass n cock too....thanks for sharing some of your shower time :)
you are welcome @francoissagat
Woof and wowsers! Sexy human alert
Best compliment I've had all day!
Very nice - looks like you were having quite a bit of fun! :)
That's what happens when I am left home alone:-)
I might have to try making one of these soon! I'll learn from you, though, and figure out a way to point the shower head to the wall ;)