
The #ipfs channel on the freenode irc network is also a great place to ask questions and learn.
I don't run windows so I can't help with the install for that if you do use it.

Basically once you have it installed and initialized from "ipfs init" then you can run the daemon, "ipfs daemon" and you become a node and you should be able to point your browser to and get a file.

I actually use, "ipfs daemon --enable-gc" which enables garbage collecting, and hypothetically clears out anything you haven't explicitly saved when you hit a 10GB (editable variable) cache size.

You can run "ipfs commands" to see the full command set.

The most frequent commands I probably use are,
The daemon of course: ipfs daemon --enable-gc
Adding a file/directory wrapped inside of a directory: ipfs add -w filename.ext
'Pinning' or 'Mirroring' a file/directory recursively to your machine: ipfs pin -r some-ipfs-hash
Pinning something and leaving the daemon on lets you effectively act as a seeder for that file if your machine is connectible.

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