Do you grow? Seedling in All Stages

in #doyougrow7 years ago

Things have been busy here, I am sorry for not being around this week. I am still wrestling with health stuff and it has slowed me down; not the last two days though! Getting control of the grow room and it is starting to feel like spring is coming, despite the snowfalls we keep getting...😕🌨

Rosemary cuttings in the bubbler rooting, it is easier than seeds!!

There are plants in all stages now. Seeded trays with no sprouts, 2 week old babies and bigger ones in 4" pots. We have been spending a lot of time working on shelving and lights with our existing equipment. So far we have only added one light that we bought from a friend for $75. It added a large area to the light coverage and allowed us to add a shelf underneath one of the tables.

New light!

Moved these 2 down for extra room

The sweet potato plant is ready to propagate any time now, and I've started 2 trays of new ones. I am not sure of the varieties because I jammed all of my seed potatoes in the same box last fall (#hotmesslabelfail) so there is one tray of orange and one of purple sweets going.

A mess of sweet potatoes!

I just fill trays with damp soil and nestle the sweets into it.

Spray the potatoes and soil down daily, adding soil if needed. Wait for sprouts!

Into the starting tent you go

Ready to propagate this baby!

These 2 vines will make probably 5-7 clones and I will leave the rest of the vines to grow another week or so

Ginger is coming along. Second plant getting a shoot!!

We had to dig out an old sodium light to use over here until I can get my T5's out of storage. The pictures will get better as I get plants into the greenhouse and hot is hard to get good pictures down here right now!

A bunch of stuff at different stages, lots of tomatoes waiting to be transplanted!!


Lots of herbs needing transplanting.....basils, dill, tarragon, oregano, lovage, mints, hyssops, thymes to name a few....

Lemon Mint

Mini sunflowers for Mother's Day gifts

Marigolds for companion planting and groundcover


Curly Parsley

Baby tomatoes!

To water plants still in starter cells, I set up 3 trays with a light organic nutrient mix and simply dunk my trays until they are damp! This also allows for rotation of the plants to make sure everything is growing evenly.



While I was checking everything over, I pinched off leaves from the lemon balm babies. This causes a split in the stem, causing 2 pair (4 leaves) to grow from the same spot making your plants bushy instead of lanky! I will be doing the same with peppers, sage and a few more plants along the way.

See the new baby leaves in the centre? We want to pinch those.


The "trauma" to the plant will force 4 leaves to appear where there were 2....

That is all today....I need to get busy cleaning pots for a mass transplanting session! Things are getting real here!!! 😁🌱🥀

Melanzana eggplant baby

Thank you for reading! Take care of you and yours ❤
HEY! Do you have gardens to feed your family or community or do you grow plants? Please feel free to use the #doyougrow tag for any of your gardening and plant loving posts! I would love to see what you grow and where you grow it 🌱
I am always looking for new tips and inspiration. I believe it is so important to learn how to grow food as food security and our health is so important. Plus, gardening is rebellious!! Save money and put the healthy back in your food ❤ I will check the tag often to upvote and comment, so let's grow good food for our families and earn Steem together!



I didn't know that about pinching off the two baby leaves to force the plant to grow 4 and become more bushy! I learned something new :) I'm really impressed by the sheer volume of seedlings you have going on!!

It is such a cool trick. You'll get 2 baby sets of leaves off of 2 new stems. I will post pics in about 5 days, you should be able to see the new sets by then. If you pinch those off you get 8 leaves!! I usually stop there....get a nice bushy plant:)

Holy shit girl....that is one AMAZING set up you have going there, and so much new life!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Well done!!

Eeeeee!! It makes me so happy lol! Thanks sis <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 xoxo

Wow, you have so many activated plants. You should feel very proud of yourself.
Rosemary is a personal favorite :)

of course there is, because most people like to plant, whether it is a plant for vegetables or plants for staple food, like me I am now again taking care of my rice planting which is about 60 hearts.
I was happy to be among the plants I planted while looking at the growth of the garden. image
this is the rice I plant image
this is the rice I plant

Wow, just beautiful!! <3 <3<3

yes, he grew all and very good growth

Is that a pot plant i see in the one picture at the back of the row? if so big thumbs up! lol

Bwhahahaha!!! Yup thats one of my clones just potted up...I didn't notice she was in there. They have showed up in other blogs too. It is a happy growroom haha!! Thank you for dropping by <3

Lol to the average person it probably dont jump out, but for me it jumped out,, my green eye is well trained. im currently enjoying dabs as i post this

Nice! #wakeandbake A little dab will do ya haha!!

Lol i wouldnt call it little but a dab will do, think i just did about a gram of shatter between my 6 dabs hahaha im a bit cooked, but i got my work cut out today, have 35 computers to rip down, gonna do a tutorial on a full rip down of one for my blog for ewaste management.

I've been waiting eagerly for this :) So, what zone are you in? You have so much planted! I need more lights and space. And spring weather instead of snow.

Hi @amymya <3 <3 <3
Zone 5b:) I am still waiting on 9 trays to sprout that are taking foreverrrr! I am too fast running out of space and lights, I hear you there! We got snow last 3 days and I am totally over winter geeze. Are you are a starting spree too?

I'm trying to take my time starting but I do have lots going under lights. We got a lot of snow too! Its rubbish! Hahaha. Typical March I know..... but will never accept.

I am not the best when it comes to taking my time here this year it would seem ;)
It says 20cm here in 10 days aaarrrggg:( haha!
It is sunny today though, greatful for that <3

I love looking at all your little baby plants! Love the rooting idea for the rosemary. I start rosemary every year, but it takes forever to come up and do anything.

Same...I have 2 small plants that may or may not have overwintered ok from 3 years and probably 50 seedling attempts haha!! I stripped a bit of the bark from the bottoms, dipped in rooting hormone and fingers crossed they will take off! The lady who I buy seeds from told me how to do it:)

I made willow water when I needed a rooting medium for starting bay laurels. It worked really well. Just the tips (smaller than pencil size) of GREEN stems from a willow tree (2 cups cut in 1" pieces), steeped overnight in enough water to fill a quart jar with the stems in it, and diluted 1:1 with water at time of use.

I have heard of willow water! I will look into it...there is a willow tree near the road at the next farm hehe.

That is an amazing operation you have going there! Looks like everything is doing well.

I am very impressed with what you have been able to do indoors.

Thank you!
Indoors is tricky....we are figuring out how to supplement heat to the greenhouse to move most stuff out there hopefully!!

Hey Karen! What a great update! Looks like some really hardy seedlings getting going. You should have a large growing operation going this summer by the looks of it. Sorry to hear you're experiencing health complications. I am not up to speed it seems on your life. What's giving you grief?

Hi @yogajill! Happy saturday <3

I am pretty pumped by some of the sucess so far this year! I have started a lot of stuff I never tried before. Looking forward to planting it all:)

Dealing with a few weeks worth of Ashermans problems...hoping it is under control now. Looking into CBD/THC oil to try and heal from the inside. Also feel like I am underwater slow and foggy. Bad memory...stressing all night instead of sleep. Hoping to up working out to burn up stress brain but feeling so crappy....blah. I just have to get in the right headspace and attack this!

YA I GROW!!! But you knew that already LOL. =)

Everything is looking in top form!!

Ya you do!! Hahaha!

Thank you:) things are coming along!

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