Downloads Are Coming to Ease Galactic Polarity

"We are very interested in witnessing the next several months that humanity has in front of you. We are very optimistic about what we will witness, and we are collaborating at this time with many other higher dimensional collectives to assist you in bringing about the age of enlightenment on planet Earth.

Now, this will be achieved through many downloads that you will receive. Sometimes you will receive these downloads in the bath or the shower, other times when you are asleep, and at other times during meditation or when you are relaxing or enjoying yourselves. These downloads will contain more of the galactic history that you have been a part of.

You all have taken part in the history of this galaxy, and therefore, you have many different perspectives operating within you all at once. This is why humanity is so important for the rest of the galaxy and universe, especially when it comes to the shift.

You will be able to hold many different perspectives all at once as a result of these downloads that you receive. You will be able to see how each group of beings, or each star system, has its perspective on how the lack of harmony in the galaxy was created.

You will be able to see both sides of every argument and every dilemma, and you will use this to not only help the rest of the beings in our galaxy, but also to help all of you who are there on Earth now, navigating through a time when people who disagree with one another get very angry, very triggered by those disagreements.

The reason why is because each of those individuals carries within them the history of the galaxy and all that has occurred. So these downloads will help each individual to see each situation from multiple sides, and that will help to lessen the polarity, and that will help you to no longer see anyone else in this galaxy as your enemy.

We are the Arcturian Council"

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