Doodling was what got me through every school Ivy, hahaha. This is one of my older ones.
When I look at it I start to see all kinds of things. The EOS logo I have not found yet. Would be nice though. The #eos logo is a chestahedron, it has a fascinating story to it.
On top in the middle there is a man, Karen and I have a spiderman association with that. :-)
Your welcome oaldamster and just letting you know I shared my recipe you asked about
Will check it out, thanks!
you've been doodling ! reminds me of @poeticsnake :)
there's more? EOS logo? there's a guy in the middle or are my eyes just fooling me?
Doodling was what got me through every school Ivy, hahaha. This is one of my older ones.
When I look at it I start to see all kinds of things. The EOS logo I have not found yet. Would be nice though. The #eos logo is a chestahedron, it has a fascinating story to it.
On top in the middle there is a man, Karen and I have a spiderman association with that. :-)
Will stare at it more, maybe I see more...
The intruiging story behind the #chestahedron, used as logo for EOS: