Results round 16 Doodle Doodledayeo -Part 2

Doodle Doodledayeo -Part 2
We had 212 doodles drawn for this week's challenge, so I'm sharing a selection of them, you can see Part 1 for the first part of my selection or go to the #doodleon tag to see them all. The words I gave out last week were rabbit, time and flowers and there were so many amazing doodles in response to this.
Hop to it and check out those doodles!














@opheliafu (me)





So many amazing doodles this week from established doodlers and newbies too! As and added doodley bonus 2 STEEM goes to @orenisme, @donnadavisart, @rosicreative, @munadikiehl!




This week 10 Steem goes to @marxause for this enchanting doodle!

If you like an image check out the artist's post and upvote!
Thank you so much to everyone who doodled with us this week, it was so much fun to see what everyone came up with and I hope you all had fun. I will be announcing another Doodle Doodledayeo challenge very soon!

Redbubble shop
Have a great day and Steem on!

212! That is insane!
You have given so many people the opportunity to re-engage with a creative side of themselves that too many of us give up in childhood.
Well done, it is a wonderful thing. Just the word doodle in place of drawing or art gives people permission to have a go and not be too critical. Although wow, many are incredible works of art.
Thanks for always bringing it. The Doodle
Doodledayeo Is an important part of my week.
I love it!
I see many others do too.
I like the word doodle- i use it a lot with my own work when I'm focusing more on having fun or letting my pen 'go for a walk', than trying to capture realism. We do push the term 'doodle' quite far in this challenge, but as you have correctly suggested this is about encouraging those of all abilities to draw and have a go. I think it is a good starting point for people to join in and participate with the arts on the platform without necessarily being an artist, and hopefully build confidence towards other things.
It makes me very happy to know how much you enjoy the challenge.
with been poorly with the flu i didn't get chance to draw anything never mind enter, but there are so many amazing pictures this week well-done guys. I have a few favourites and they seem to be the 4 you chose too.
any way i'll be in the next one too. fingers crossed.
hello im new in steemit, and my english is not very good, but i want to join to this Doodle Doodledayeo thing, so what i have to do? :o.
Hello! Let me help you.
Revisé tu perfil y noté que hablas español. Todas las semanas Ophelia publica un post donde da 3 palabras con las cuales tienes que crear un dibujo. Siguela y está pendiente, es probable que la publique hoy durante el día. Cuando ya tengas las palabras, tienes 5 días para hacer tu dibujo y publicarlo, colocandole el hashtag doodleon (más tus otros 4 tags) y de título Doodle Doodledayeo # (el que corresponda, el que viene sería 17) junto con el nombre de tu dibujo.
Luego en la misma publicación donde ella ponga las palabras deberías dejar el link de tu publicación para que sea más fácil encontrarla. Espero te haya servido de algo ;)
Hmm, a very thoughtful painting you got. Nice
Awesome! Thumbs up!
Thank you - so many great doodles this week
Hey Ophelia,
I was wondering if you've been involved with the creative commons art movement on Steemit at all?
hello everyone this is my drawing I hope you like it!
It's great. Nice work.
Wow! I can't believe the amount of doodles for this week. There are some that are very lovely. Congrats to the winners!