What's Really Going ON? Who Really Knows?
Ever since I can remember my inquisitive nature got me into trouble; although this really never bothered me too much. I thought everyone asked questions. Didn't you?
Where has our inquisitive, question everything, nature gone? I have always loved a good conspiracy; and know that there is usually more truth in fiction than not; especially if this information is blocked or hidden from view.
I have always questioned what they were trying to force upon myself and others. When did we give up our true power and how can we get it back? Is that even possible?
During this very interesting time we are seethe dismantling of the 'old guard" and hopefully a restructuring of the Republic in a way it was Divinely intended to be.
There is an old saying about not shitting where you eat. Wise words which can be attributed to how we treat each other and our planet today. What do we do when it all goes up in flames?
What does this have to do with knowledge, knowing and wisdom? And where are we heading? Do we know or care? It saddens me on many levels to see how many are being manipulated and do not eve know it; which is the key to master manipulation.
How do you know if you are one who is being manipulated? That is for you to find out. But here are a few thoughts from my pathway. If you are in reaction mode and not able to be in response mode, you may be being manipulated.
First we must learn to stand for something. This can be flexible; but once we reach maturity we are pretty much solid in our stance. Who I was in the 80's is not who I am now, thankfully; however there has always, always been a constant that I could stand upon and was guided by. This knowing has been my guiding light that has led me to where I am now.
Second we must learn to be still and know; know what? That is the question of many questions. We live in the question of how can I serve, how may I develop into my potential; who am I; why am I here; does this serve me now and in my future?
Third-who do you listen to? Question everything! Do your own research. Use your inner guidance to feel and find your way. Use discernment, reason and evidence to make your up your own mind. When they point here; look at the other hand!
Fourth-you are being lied to and it is all a BIG GAME; illusion. Find out the True Truth for yourself. Do your research and allow yourself to listen to others. The people who push our buttons the most are usually our greatest teachers. What can I learn in this situation is another GREAT question to ask-and stay in the witness mode. Watch your response. This usually means something needs to be healed. Be your own best healer.
Fifth-share your light and create your Divine Life Design. Let your version, not perversion, awaken and inspire others to do the same. When we create we are in an enlightened state. If each of us spends the majority of our time in this creative, beautiful space we will cause light over dark. The time is now. It is up to each of us to assume the mantle and march forward into the awakened space. See it, Feel it, Love it, Live it-N
Those who receive this transmission and recognize their true power are on an ascension pathway. Together we will turn away from fear and move inward. EN-lighten up and we will transform this to the light.