🐴超萌超有趣!关于驴的那些事儿😍 + 🐴Super cute and super fun! Those things about donkeys😍

驴在地球上已经有五千多万年的进化史啦,是不是超厉害👍。它由真马进化而来,具有耐热、耐寒、耐渴、耐粗饲、善于奔跑等特征,简直是动物界的“生存小能手”呀。而且呀,经过漫长的进化迁徙,野驴渐渐分化为非洲野驴和亚洲野驴两大品种,后来又被人类驯化,才有了我们常见的家驴呢 。
在中国,驴的分布那叫一个广泛,从渤海湾到塔里木盆地,从辽西到滇南,到处都有它们的身影。以前在农村,驴可是人们的好帮手呀,犁地、送粪、驮柴等等,啥活都干,真是吃苦耐劳的代表。就像那句俗语说的“冬牛夏马四季驴”,充分说明了驴的勤劳肯干呢 。
驴的性格也很有特点呀,大家都知道驴很犟,但这也是它的可爱之处呢。它一旦认准了一件事,就会坚持到底,是不是有点像我们生活中那些倔强又执着的人呀😂。还有哦,驴也有自己的语言呢,不同的叫声代表着不同的意思,比如受惊吓时害怕的叫声、喊救命的叫声、求偶的叫声等等,是不是很有趣呀,感觉它们也有自己丰富的情感世界呢 。
#驴 #动物科普 #驴肉美食 #驴文化


Donkeys have an evolutionary history of more than 50 million years on Earth. Isn't that super amazing 👍. They evolved from true horses and possess characteristics such as heat resistance, cold resistance, thirst tolerance, the ability to endure coarse fodder, and being good at running. They are simply "survival experts" in the animal kingdom. Moreover, after a long process of evolution and migration, wild donkeys gradually differentiated into two major varieties, African wild donkeys and Asian wild donkeys, and later they were domesticated by humans, giving rise to the common domestic donkeys we see today.

In China, donkeys are widely distributed. From the Bohai Bay to the Tarim Basin, and from western Liaoning to southern Yunnan, their figures can be seen everywhere. In the past, in rural areas, donkeys were great helpers. They did all kinds of work like plowing the fields, transporting manure, and carrying firewood. They were truly representatives of hard work and endurance. Just as the old saying goes, "Oxen in winter, horses in summer, and donkeys all year round", which fully illustrates the diligence of donkeys.

Donkeys also have very distinctive personalities. Everyone knows that donkeys are stubborn, but that's also their cute side. Once they set their minds on something, they will stick to it. Doesn't it remind you a bit of those stubborn and persistent people in our lives 😂. Besides, donkeys have their own "language" too. Different brays represent different meanings, such as the frightened cry when they are scared, the cry for help, and the mating call. Isn't it interesting? It feels like they also have their own rich emotional worlds.

When it comes to donkeys, we have to mention donkey meat. As the old saying goes, "Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground". Donkey meat is really delicious. The texture is tender, the taste is fragrant and delicate, and it is also rich in nutrition, with high protein and low fat. It can nourish qi and blood, nourish yin and kidneys. There are all kinds of donkey meat delicacies in many places, like donkey burger and donkey meat soup. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water 🤤.

In addition, donkey hides can be used to make Ejiao, which is a famous tonic. It has the effects of nourishing blood and yin, moistening dryness and quenching thirst, and beautifying and nourishing the complexion, and is deeply loved by everyone.

In some places, donkeys have even become part of the local culture. For example, in Xinjiang, Uyghur people would ride donkey carts to go to the market. The whole family would sit on the donkey cart, chatting and laughing all the way. What a warm picture. Also, the story of Zhang Guo Lao riding a donkey backwards is a household name, adding a mysterious touch to donkeys.

All in all, donkeys are lovely, practical animals full of stories and cultural connotations. Dear friends, do you like donkeys 💕?


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