Donatesteem zakat from @tarekadam to orphans and poor families [Eng | Bahasa]

in #donatesteem6 years ago (edited)


Thursday, June 7, 2018. Kokamspycare volunteers have given #donatesteem zakat @tarekadam 50 Steem to 3 orphans and poor families.

50 Donatesteem after we converted into Rupiah 1,650,000, - with beneficiaries of 3 orphaned and poor families.

Each family gets 500,000, - which consists of 200,000, - in the form of kitchen needs :

  1. Rice 15 Kg
  2. Sugar 1 Kg
  3. Cooking Oil 1 Kg
  4. Syrop 2 botlles

And 300,000 in cash because we do not fully understand what these families need.
Total beneficiaries amounted to 3 * 500.000, -
= 1,500,000, -
And the remaining 150,000, - used for operational and print billboards.

Benefit recipients.

Three beneficiary families of #donatesteem zakat @terakadam.

1. Fitria in Pante Lhong

He is an orphan and he also has special needs or mental retardation, he lives with the help of others because of his mental weakness. Her aunt is the one who has been taking care of her all this time.
Every month Fitria should consult a special doctor.


2. Fatimah's grandmother at Kubu

Fatimah's grandmother was in her 80's range of life spent in bed. Everyday the needs Grandma Fatimah assisted by her step sister who is also elderly.
They in meeting the daily needs of many assisted by neighbors.


3. Dila in Karing

Dila is the youngest of 3 siblings and very young when his mother and father died.

Currently he lives with his siblings who also continue to struggle to live his life.
Family and neighbors become their helpers.


Every family we visit is very happy and very grateful for your donations.
Thank you also for your confidence in @kokamspycare and charity today hopefully make you very happy, as we volunteers are also very happy for this activity.

Our greetings are volunteers, @ rijal123, @alokzoom, @rahmads, @syahlah, @hendrimirza, @helmidvallen, @helmibireuen, @syehwan, @moersal and @boyellex

Greetings of humanity
Greetings community

Coordinator General Kokamspy


Dear Tarekadam.

Kamis, 7 Juni 2018. Relawan kokamspycare telah menyerahkan #donatesteem zakat @tarekadam 50 Steem kepada 3 keluarga yatim dan miskin.

50 Donatedsteem setelah kami konversikan kedalam Rupiah berjumlah 1.650.000,- dengan penerima manfaat sebanyak 3 keluarga yatim dan miskin.

Masing-masing keluarga mendapat 500.000,- yang terdiri dari 200.000,- dalam bentuk kebutuhan dapur yaitu :

  1. Beras 15 Kilogram
  2. Gula Pasir 1 Kilogram
  3. Minyak Goreng 1 Kilogram
  4. Syirup 2 Botol.

Dan 300.000 dalam bentuk cash karena kami tidak sepenuhnya mengerti apa yang menjadi kebutuhan dari keluarga-keluarga tersebut.

Total penerima manfaat berjumlah 3 * 500.000,-
= 1.500.000,-
Dan sisanya 150.000,- digunakan untuk operasional dan cetak baliho.

Penerima Manfaat.

Ketiga keluarga penerima manfaat dari #donatesteem zakat @terakadam.

  1. Fitria di Pante Lhong

Dia yatim piatu dan dia juga berkebutuhan khusus atau penyandang tunagriya, dia hidup dengan bantuan orang lainnya karena kelemahan mentalnya.
Bibinya adalah orang yang merawatnya selama ini.

Setiap bulan Fitria harus konsultasi dengan dokter khusus.


  1. Nenek Fatimah di Kubu

Nenek Fatimah usianya sudah sangat lanjut berkisar 80an hidupnya banyak dihabiskan di tempat tidur.

Kebutuhan dan keperluan sehari-hari Nenek Fatimah dibantu oleh adik tirinya yang juga sudah berusia lanjut.

Mereka dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari banyak dibantu oleh tetangga.


  1. Dila di Karing

Dila adalah anak bungsu dari 3 bersaudara dan usianya sangat muda disaat ibu dan bapaknya meninggal.

Saat ini dia tinggal bersama dengan saudara2nya yang juga terus berjuang untuk melangsungkan kehidupannya.

Keluarga dan tetangga menjadi penolong bagi mereka.


Setiap keluarga yang kami singgahi mereka sangat senang dan sangat berterima kasih atas santunan anda.

Terima kasih juga kami ucapkan atas kepercayaan anda kepada @kokamspycare dan kegiatan amal hari ini semoga membuatmu sangat senang, sebagaimana kami para relawan juga sangat senang atas kegiatan ini.

Salam kami para relawan, @rijal123, @alokzoom, @rahmads, @syahlah, @hendrimirza, @helmidvallen, @helmibireuen, @syehwan, @moersal dan @boyellex

Salam kemanusiaan
Salam komunitas

Koordinator Umum Kokamspy

Joint with us in
di link discord @kokamspycare
and in grup chat whatsapp


Well done, thank you for your support.

thank you brother @tarekadam for your support to us hopefully this becomes the spirit for us here to continue to provide the best for others and hope you can also petrify friend KOKAMspy.

You are welcome @tarekadam
hopefully we will always gain the trust of generous people like you, and this is a form of our commitment from the KOKAMspy community to be able to continue to work together in encouraging people's lives, once again we thank you and support us.

Thank you @tarekadam who has trusted the KOKAM-Spy community

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