WTF is goin on?
Politics is fast moving and crazy at the moment sometimes all this craziness makes politics confusing and hard to follow. Just a few weeks ago America were talking about potential military action because of Russian interference with the American election there was even talk of Donald Trump being impeached and even World War three now all seems to have been forgotten!
The media are hostile towards Donald Trump and I was one of those people that concluded; If the mainstream media hate him he must be doing something right.
I was beginning to believe Donald Trump though not perfect was a real alternative to the puppets that have preceded him. I never trusted Donald Trump but at the same time I could not say for definite he is just another puppet! I am slowly starting to accept that Donald Trump is just another puppet!
Donald Trump was telling us that ISIS were an American creation but than implements a ban on ten Muslim countries entering the US? I’m not American but if America are going to ban and deport Muslims the American armies should leave the Middle East at the same time.
Trump also seems to be very pro Israel as he and the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu are sharing love messages over Twitter.
This leads me to conclude all this so called confrontation with sections of the mainstream media could be just an act! Maybe they know or have considered that the activists, conspiracy theorists, bloggers and alternative media are people that tend to be politically active and these people trust the mainstream media so little that nowadays bad publicity really is good publicity!
Mainstream media is just that: mainstream as in they report the mainstream ideas of most people and we have learned over the last few months that most people are lost. We can point fingers and place blame but as a country America has lost what culture and values we had before the recession, before 9/11, before the world hates us, before when everyone looked to us for guidance. Blinded by the fact no one truly values our culture or mentally or lifestyle but yet wants us to adopt theirs. I love other cultures and do adopt some of their customs and try to find common ground. I don't know another place in the world that is trying to be a redneck besides people from the south in the states. It's not so much as America not being accepting of other cultures and people it's that people do not accept our culture or people saying we are either hipsters, corporate puppets, dim witted celebrities, backwoods, Yankees, thugs, gangbangers, etc the list goes on and on. I am not imposing my traditions on other people but feel it gets threatened a lot. The first amendment right is freedom to speech, you know the one group that no one listens to or let's talk is my group the schizophrenics. Outcasted and shut down because we have a different perception of reality. The second amendment right is to bear arms. In my family, a southern family, it's tradition to receive a gun for your thirteenth birthday. It's like a right of passage, you are now old enough to possess, own, be of age to carry a firearm and use it knowing right from wrong. It's funny that this is almost the same age children can be charged as adults; 14 years old being that age here in the US. Yet, people want to take our guns away, say children can't be responsible enough to carry one, etc. I myself can not possess a firearm anymore being I am part of the mentally insane group and that is alarming because I only ever used my gun for hunting or for strengthening my skills during target practice. I have already lost my second right in this country but I don't see anybody saying hey not all mentally ill people are violent. I am not violent. I was a registered nurse and a loving mom to five children. There's a lot of talk on whether schizophrenics should even be allowed to have custodianship of their children. I do not have legal custody of my children. I judge ruled that primary custody be given to my husband and parents. When I got the diagnosis of schizophrenia, it was like I lost all my rights as a person. I don't see anyone worried about how that happens to American citizens who get diagnosed with a disease. It's an illness that I didn't choose. I have only been arrested once and that was because they had to get me handcuffed and subdued because I refused to go to the psychiatric ward. I didn't resist arrest but did clearly state yes I knew something was mentally wrong with me, that yes I was aware I probably needed medical treatment but that I did not want to go, that I refused to go willingly. I knew going would mean the loss of my profession, the loss of my rights, and the loss of primary decision maker for my children. I am not saying we need to give every mentally ill person full rights but we can afford to screen refugees and supposed terrorist to assess if they get rights but yet I was never screened for the rights I lost. We can't afford to do this for our own citizens so why the hell are we doing it for people coming from other countries. And why does a person who doesn't have American values and culture but that wants safety from their war torn country automatically get more rights given to them then I am able to obtain as a citizen. Felons don't get to vote, we don't offer them a second chance or a case by case scenerio or cry out to hear their voice. Our veterans are put on the back burner, often ending up among the mentally ill and homeless no one is supporting them getting rehabilitation or permenant assistance yet we offer drug addicts countless rehab state funded programs. We offer single moms more resources financially than a man working at federal minimum wage can provide her so there's no reason for her to build a family or stay together when things get rough. People get a rough go and flee to the safest place for a lot of years that was America and the American government. But that's no longer the case because we are broke, we are jaded, we are struggling ourselfs to stay afloat, and yet it's still our problem that the world isn't functioning well enough. It's not and I don't see why as a country we feel like it is our issue to solve.
I read all your comment and sorry to hear about your kids, you find out who you real friends are when you suffer from mental illness and usual there aren't any. I also agree it is not up to America to save the world nobody wants them to do that, stop exploiting the world would be a better place to start for America (not just America.)
America and Britain suffer from the same problem, political corruption. They have to take from the masses because they don't take from the rich, the corporations, millionaires, bankers, sportsmen pay no tax at all so the tax they get is mainly from the middle and working classes, it makes a tight budget.
Sorry just went on a pity party rampage. I am okay with the losses incurred for the most part. I wouldn't want to fight for them because that could enable a possible dangerous person access to the same rights and that would be heartbreaking for me if I fought for those people to have say guns or a medical license and they used them in cruelty. I would not be able to handle that as a person. I get why it's done and understand it for the best interest of society as a whole. The child custody. It is devastating because like you said when you get ill many friends and family members leave. My family doesn't accept the illness and that's where the child custody comes into play. Schizophrenia is the family secret no one discusses so they were adamant to my husband and my friends that group care would be the best situation. They still support the idea of placing me within group care and it's been a battle for my husband to get custody of the child I had on my own before marrying him. My husband grants me access to the kids, does it on a day by day basis but he can't get back my kid. The kid I had on my own that he doesn't have legal rights over. My family obtained legal rights to said child and refuse to allow him back because they say he is special. He is special, like extremely gifted and bright but that doesn't mean he wouldn't also thrive here with me. I found it very hard that they split up my two biological children. Let me keep the not so intelligent/bright child but fought and won for the other child. I just am like what to do because my child is genuinely happy there, does enjoy his time here, and they seem to have his best interest at heart. I just try to stay civil and polite because no child custody battle is ever nice or not brutal on the heart. I enjoy post like your original one because they offer me a glimpse into the world since I don't watch tv or leave the house much. I can come across very very awkward and intense but my tone is nuetral and friendly. I genuinely want the best for people, just at a loss on what to do to help people understand that the problems we are facing are ones created by the top few in society, like the people you mentioned who avoid taxes. They control the whole system but pay nothing into it, expect it to run based on their lies and manipulation and that worked for a lot of years but now the numbers are not looking so good. They got too greedy, too hungry for wealth that they cut out the middle man. Like cut out the middle class one little tax or law at a time until it's basically nonexistent. Now we have no middle man, no common ground, and the few middle men or women there are are working so hard to keep the system running they can't find time to have a well rounded well funded articulate voice in the matter. So we hear the stories of the extremely rich and the stories of the extremely poor yet miss the stories of all those in between. Very sad indeed. Hopefully, things pan out well for all countries. And I like Britain, was going to name my daughter Britain because its graceful yet strong. My hubby said no though. Lol
trump is a statist shill that won't do anything but make matters worse. great post btw wish i could upvoted 10000000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
it doesn't take much to convince a fool
People mistook Trump's sensationalism for truth because they didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to say it if it wasn't true.
Trump is 100% right and a few years late on ISIS being armed by America ask Tulsi Gabbard. The MSM is to blame for hyping up normal things as world ending because they don't like Trump. Trump's muslim ban is for 3 months and uses the SAME LANGUAGE OBAMA DID when OBAMA BANNED IRAQI IMMIGRANTS FOR 6 MONTHS , twice as long.