Jeffrey Epstein. Still Alive? TAROT READING for @realDonaldTrump by Maria Grasmick

in #donaldtrump6 years ago (edited)

HOPE CARD - Yale Cary Visconti deck.

Before I get into the reading. This deck is at Yale University. They have HIDDEN certain cards. They say they lost them. 16 of the cards have been recreated in the 1980s. I am not buying it. But the Hope Card is original. These cards. Are from a previous culture. A previous reset. They hold secrets. That men are not supposed to know. So these 16 cards, have secrets in them. But anyways. I know it. Giants, Star forts, etc. Stuff NOONE is supposed to know.

The HOPE card they say is original. THE STAR in the Rider Waite. Which is the freemasonic version. I used to use that. But now I read Yale Cary.

Visconti family is said to have paid for them to be drawn. But I think they just found them in one of the old free masonry buildings they found that were here before settlers arrived. In Europe. Lots can't explain here. ..that they stole. These are thiefs and blood drinkers. And claimed that they hired someone to draw them. Making it "Theirs" . Believe the opposite of what these people say.

But no. Its more ancient than that.

Now Viscontis are worlds most evil family. Their crest is a snake eating a baby. They are vampires and blood drinkers. Pirates of fortunes. Liars and they make up who they are. How they control people. You dont want to know.

But just like GUN CONTROL. Its not the Tarot Deck thats evil. Its the people reading it.. Same exact logic.

I dont care what the bible says. I know Christianity is waaaay older than the bible. Puh leez the sun god religion is so ancient. Jesus is..HORUS. Same exact life story and on and on. The life story is told in the stars with astrological events. THE OLDEST of them all. Many want us as slaves and many have corrupted us to the point where we dont know who we are.

Dont let other GROUPS hijack the oldest religion in the world. The SUN GOD RELIGION. He comes daily to save you. He is risen, three days , xmas events, scorpion sting, etc. ITS OURS. Older than all the rest.

So dont tell me its evil reading Tarot. I do good with it. I UNDERSTAND THE TAROT like few do. Few have gone thru what I have went thru. With the tarot. Why waste my skills???


IS JEFFREY EPSTEIN STILL ALIVE ? in a way I get instantly?


Jeffrey Epstein has been given HOPE an new identity or a new beginning. He feels his soul will be clean. He is still alive. He is not dead.

To me, I see the hope stepping on the sins of the past. You see HOPE stepping on a man and there is an anchor there.

Slavery Chains. The people he kept undergound in his temple. They look up at him. This hope tramples on all the previous victims. This New light for him. He really thinks he is gonna have a clean soul once he releases all the names. He believes it. This is the energy right now. He is very hopeful of the future, the star of babylon? He is looking at who knows. I just get feelings.

Maybe he is sent back to Saudi Arabia where he has legal residences. They admire him. He wont make it there. He is ruined. Is he given plastic surgery and maybe made into a woman? I always thought when John Mccain faked his death he would go to that level to fit in. Become a trans. To hide. Or maybe went to Paraguay with the two Bushes. Who said they died. Will he be made a satanic priest in one of those cannibal temples in SYRIA?

Or has he come clean to Trump. I remember when the Queen and Trump met, she was doting on him and I imagined a conversation she had ABOUT HER SON. PRINCE ANDREW.

People think Prince Charles is "HER SON" who knows maybe the real or bastard. But Prince Andrew .......

he is her real son.

Real blood. She loves him, Hell hath no fury like a mother. She could have met with Trump and made a deal. I accept this, because I know Trumps deals, he always wins. I know women.

I dont know. I dont know. BUT MY BODY KNOWS. Somehow.

You know who the guy is supposed to be? Who knows right. But they say its JUDAS under her.

"At one time the words Juda Traditor were visible on his garment . The virtue of Hope has overcome the traitor Judas, who represents disloyalty and hypocrisy."

Here is another comment. You decide. Everyone sees something new.

"Parravicino, in Burlington Magazine (1903) claimed to have seen the legend Juda Traditor on the purple garment of the figure at the bottom of the Hope Card in the Cary-Yale deck. However, the inscription on the Hope card is now illegible. From his observation, Parravicion concluded that the Hope card probably 'corresponds with the twelfth tarot of the man hanged.' "

If something is illegible, means they dont want you to know.

So you have HOPE AND DESPAIR IN ONE! This is an old painting. I dont believe its 14th century. Who knows what that means. You guys have no idea. These CNN guys TODAY were the same guys BACK then giving us our history.

So Jeffrey Epstein now has HOPE OVER DESPAIR.


No. He is alive. Sorry guys. I just feel it. I would know trust me. I would know. I been ON THIS SINCE 2015 when I read CLINTONS war on woman by Roger Stone. I have a connection. I drew Epstein face so many times. I know every line. I drew this,

Political Cartoon the night before elections, look at the date I posted it!

People heard about Epstein 4 months ago. I drew Epstein island 2016.

Check out the date of the post my friends . And the hashtags I used.

I have a connection. He is alive. HE FEELS INSPIRED. Of course he is alive.

Did you think the guards were asleep or he was alone in the showers. Not a chance. NOT A CHANCE. Its so outlandish. You gotta be stupid if you fall for him being dead. A GLOBELING. Fantastical minded. DUMB. I dont care if they get a lookalike photoshop photo. I know he is alive He made a deal! SOMEONE DID.

He is gonna give up names. He is gonna come clean. Or Someone made a deal that we will get BIGGER FISH in this war against the globalists!

THE HOPE CARD says Epstein is blessed. He is in the garden of eden, forgiven, redeemed. Yes. Crazy I know. He must have bigger fish to rat on.

He is reconnected with the divine. If he was dead, he would be a lost soul, in hell permanently searching the earth for prostitutes to latch on to for his curse of Sexual addiction.

HE ESCAPED he cheated judgment. His offering must have been huge. He did it. How they cover this up. we see.

He has good health. Hope and INSPIRATION. Well. Then. I guess its up to GHISLANE MAXWELL now huh??

Truth is. Slavery exists today 4 countries.

Its the law of man.

Christians. Not used to this nor can they comprehend. The power Jeffrey Epstein had. He was. The human handler.

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