Mark 1 Clone Defined.
Mark 1 Clone - The first kinds of REM Clone invented back around the times of WW2. Primitive yet functional. Used at least by some Nazis at the Nuremberg trials to escape justice. Allows for incredible long range communication by transferring into a secret location where clones can then be used to talk and plan all while asleep therefore also providing additional time by utilizing round-the-clock awareness.
Notes - Discontinued clones, redundant to use now, why still use what is now antiquated technology. Originally they called them Organic Robotoid..
Biological Vehicle would be a more modern description, a very basic one, no bells and whistles like later versions.
They served their purpose as some of the first clones used which eventually led to the creation of the current REM cloning system but they been drastically refined now so there's no real need to go into these much more. Do they still exist in places? I don't know maybe. Maybe they have some on display like preserving their history, or as I like to call it, hostery.