Satan Illuminati: How Programming Mind Control Affects Us All [#DonaldMarshall #fulltimegeek]

in #donaldmarshall7 years ago


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This discussion basically I have mentioned in my post some time ago about Mind-Control. The programming of mind control is an illuminati power that is the ability to control and / or manipulate one's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions through subconscious level instruction implanted through subatomic devices. The programming of mind control is placed by suggestions to the subconscious mind during a traumatic event. The programmer then creates a pathway into the inner lobe of the brain to access the deepest niches of the subconscious mind.

This is where the coded instruction is stored and reinforced through hyper visual, sensational, and autonomic stimulation. Once this instruction is encoded into the brain, and the path is formed through trauma, constant reinforcement is regulated through the trigger. Triggers can be various levels of personal trauma that is physical, emotional, events / life circumstances, and so almost the same. As well as visual aids are images, images, symbols, are tools. And sounds like musical notes, sounds, phrases, words, it's also a tool. Our brain will manage to automatically respond to these triggers and run the appropriate programming.

The basis of mind-control programming is our conditioning. Conditioning is a process of learning through the relationship between reward / punishment as a result of certain actions. Conditioning begins at birth, when a baby learns by how parents respond to their cry. Repeated responses send signals through neurotransmitters, encoding information to the brain. For example, a child who is a victim of negligence receives information that his basic needs are not repeatedly met. It is translated to a physical level and then emotionally, creating a pattern of thought and belief system of self, namely "I am not easy to love, I am worthless, I am not important," and bad thoughts will always arise and that is their control .

This will be reinforced through lifetime by a similar situation that is a trigger for trauma. For example, as adults who do not have emotional needs meet can trigger a sense of recurrence and self-loathing. Each trauma reminder reinforces the interaction made in the brain. Often it causes the individual to feel like they are reliving the moments of past harassment over and over and will always appear, so that it is triggered back into a very deep traumatic state until they fall back into control.

There are three levels of trauma in which programming is built. Basic trauma creates a mesencephalon (midbrain) level trauma that leads to a gap in the cerebral cortex, causing minority level personality splits. Basic level trauma consists of a high degree of emotional and low pain / trauma in physical pain / trauma. All programming starts at this level and builds on their own exponentially.
Trauma at the second level is a high level of emotional and physical pain trauma, resulting in an extremely high level of emotional trauma, but a low level of physical trauma. Third-degree trauma creates both high levels of physical and emotional pain, as well as resulting in high levels of physical and emotional trauma.


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These types of trauma begin by creating the path of a neuron or supernatural highway. This supernatural highway is used to transmit all their supernatural activities, including things such as the ability to travel astral to and from the second heaven, communicate with others outside your body or the scope of understanding (aka the dead, demons, and the unreal) and even their own God. They are also used to gather supernatural knowledge and understanding and are used as portals and gateways for in and out of the body itself by any and all beings. All the supernatural information goes on this superhighways path, directed and directed at will.

When programmers get access to this path, they create electronic devices to download telepathic and kinesthetic files, cassettes and reset buttons, as well as flares and platforms. This allows total control of brain waves and receptors and their functions, by the programmer, and provides complete access to all parts of the brain at all times, unless inhibited by the neurotransmitter function.

Another example of how programming works is emotional stimulation through repetitive and repetitive imaging. A child who repeatedly watched the same movie was repeatedly being rewarded with sensual stimuli. The combination of visual and auditory stimuli produces symphonies of emotional responses, namely excitement, sadness, fear, ecstasy, and so on. The use of storybook characters to compose / a scene for the entire fantasy world is set in a child. Children can live independently through each different character, playing with the programmed thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

With every movie show, children are conditioned to respond in a certain way and believe certain things. The witch is evil but strong. The witch is feared, but also revered for his strength. A special song is played whenever a wicked wizard takes a scene, but the same song is played when aunt who means come to steal Toto. This reinforces that evil wizard can be anyone anytime, come to harm you and your loved ones.

Dorothy is a victim and heroine, always maintaining childlike innocence. The whole journey is a quest to go home; a place that fulfills his desire to hear. At the end of the film his journey turned out to be nothing more than a fever-induced dream that merely resembled its reality aspect. These are all used to create and reinforce the belief that life is a great illusion; a story is played. The lines of reality and fantasy have been deliberately obscured resulting in confusion about the state of mental clarity during programming. After programming goes, the program is so good that it can not be distinguished from its own thoughts and beliefs, which guarantees its stance.

With modern technology now, everything is possible including to inculcate these programs into immature minds without opening the path to neurons through trauma. Instead, the micro cellular device is installed at birth with the first injection at the hospital. This micro-cellular device has the capacity to walk through the release of endorphins. Endorphins are neurotransmitters and signals passing from one neuron to the next. They release endorphins into the inner system that allows the micro cellular device to run. Endorphins are produced in response to stress, fear, pain and euphoria.

Emissions from the screen (television, cellular phone, or other things related to this) emit electromagnetic energy that communicates with nanotechnologies. Devil is attached to micro technology or nanotechnology. Devils that enter through this technology do not need permission to enter or stay, because the technology is already in the body. Satan continues to run programming and releases endorphins as necessary.


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He will wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and death will no longer exist, there will be no sorrow, nor crying, or pain anymore, because the former things have passed.

Although sometimes mind control programming may dominate in this historical season, it simply does not control our lives in total. Only the Lord our Savior, who has the final say on what is happening in this world and in our lives. We may have surrendered this world to evil, but God is still the owner of this universe. Nothing can stop or change that, forever.

We must remember that we still have the choice of free will to surrender our lives and all that is in it to God. In our forerunner in heaven do not sit idly see all this happening. He is actively present in the wars that the devil launches upon us, and does so much more than our human mind can comprehend. The most important is our soul and spirit, and while the devil intends to corrupt our souls and send us to hell, God intends to lead us to save lives through His atoning sacrifice. It is an unstoppable and lasting power.

God's promises never fade away. He is the eternal God who is not a created being. He is eternal and also our spirit. That is why He does everything to protect our spirits so that we can remain with Him forever. Yes, some people end up choosing crime. It does not change the goodness of God, or the power of His power. He gives us free will so we can choose our own destiny, and some people choose the temptation of the devil for the love of our God. However, I do not believe there are nearly as many people who choose evil over God.

The power of Satan is temporary. The power of God is eternal. We know that He will win. We are called to fight. God calls those who sleep and says, "Wake up, awake from the dead, and the Lord will shine upon you." Ephesians 5:14. So wake up brothers and sisters, to the call of the Lord God and let His light shine upon you, and lift yourself from your long sleep. The day of the devil is almost complete, and while we have to stand firm and fight.


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Because by grace you are saved by faith. And this is not your own deed; it is a gift of God, not a work, so there is nothing to boast about.

So much for today. Follow my next posting by following me here @rifki-fiqi. Also make sure you support @fulltimegeek as one of Donald Marshall's and anti-illuminati supporters.
Do not forget to leave comments and criticisms. Your comments and constructive criticism are very influential for me. Thanks

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My post about #DonaldMarshall

The Origin of the Illuminati as well as its Symbol!
Donald Marshall - "Donald's Original Letter To The Public"
Elizabeth, Illuminatis and Clones "Donald Marshall"
Fulltimegeek and Donald Marshall's past
How to stop the Illuminati?
Ex-Illuminati, Interview: UN or 'Supreme Council of the World'"
Ex-Illuminati, Interview #2 : Illuminati Relations - Freemasons"

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