The World Needs A Hero: Is Donald Marshall For Real?

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

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When I started doing posts about Donald and his improbable sounding story, along with the many positive comments, I started getting the predictable "this guy is nuts" and "he's full of shit." So I decided to put Donald's narrative to the test... first to determine if he's "full of shit" and then to see how his story matched up with other research I did.

One of the best ways to determine if someone is lying is to look for inconsistencies in their story. I went back to Donald's first interview in May, 2012 and spent the last week and a half watching (not all at once) interviews from the first one to the latest... weeding out the duplicates, of course, looking for inconsistencies. Donald's story hasn't changed one iota from beginning to end! Every single thing he's described is exactly the same. Does that mean that it's all real? Not necessarily, all it proves is that Donald believes it. So, is the story real?

Let's face it, Donald Marshall is not a rocket scientist... he won't be getting the Nobel Prize for Physics anytime soon. Donald is just a regular guy probably of average intelligence with an innate ability for writing song lyrics. If you put yourself in his place and was subjected to the things that he was, how succinctly would you be able to describe them? He was a child of around five when he was thrust into this world that he didn't understand... a world of cloning in underground bases, vril, Illuminati elites from around the world and more.

Even though Donald has no background in science, he is able to describe different methods of cloning and give a synopsis of how they work. Moreover, he is able to differentiate between cloning and "droning" and describe them both in detail including the basic mechanics of both. He also talks about where the technology came from which is consistent with research by people that Donald has never been in contact with, such as George Green. I discount the stories by people like Aug Tellez who I believe is a fraud whose capitalizing on what happened to Donald... in fact I saw a video about Aug just this morning questioning why Donald doesn't like him.

Then there are the vril, creatures that have been described by many cultures having many different forms but the outcomes of contact has always been the same. Legends of reptilian "aliens" taking over humans exist around the globe- from the dragons of China from whom the emperors descended, to the myths of the Mayans in Central America and their flying dragon gods. I've written several posts about the similarities between the vril and the underground "aliens," both in America and elsewhere... particularly at the base in Dulce, New Mexico. Not only does Donald's description of the bases match up, so too do the locations. There are far too many similarities for Donald to be making it up... and if he was making it up, he would have to have a photographic memory to recount the information so accurately time after time.

When I began studying Donald's story, I went from a standpoint of neither belief nor disbelief... I just let the research show what the research would show. In other words, I didn't take sides. In my many years I've seen some pretty ridiculous claims proved to be true, so I never discount anything. When researching any claim, if it's false, the evidence tends to dry up fairly quickly. With Donald, the more I look, the more evidence comes to the front. If anyone is at fault here, it's me for not being to better explain what Donald has provided.




It is not good to discredit too quickly. I tend to give a second and third look at those who are discredited as this is an information war. One must consider how creditable is the source that does the discrediting. Thanks @richq11

Absolutely! I always try to look into their motives as well!

Absolutely! I
Always try to look into
Their motives as well!

                 - richq11

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

howdy there @richq11! well sir I think after so many decades of similar accounts from multiple sources it's hard to dismiss his information so I tend to believe him or at least are more open to the frightening as they are. great post sir!
ya'll keepin cool over there? humidity is high where you are?

Actually, it's fine here as long as you don't go outside lol! I had to drive to my doctor's up in the mountains yesterday and it was even miserable up there. It's been pushing 100 every day and instead of drying out like usual, it's been raining just enough to push the humidity up!

howdy sir @richq11...100 degrees with 120 percent humidity!
It's fairly dry here as far as humidity goes, nothing like Houston of course thank God, I don't know how they do it down there but I figured it might be bad over in Arkansas also.
I'd stay inside like you said!

I don't know if it is all true, but I know that some aspects have real evidence to support them.. Some of which I have experienced first hand - before the internet was big or these topics were being spoken about.

There's too much evidence from other sources to support it... especially since the internet like you said. Hell, 10 years or so back, I'd have said you were nuts. In fact, I started watching David Icke 20 years ago and I thought he was so profound about so many things... until he started talking about the reptilians. I couldn't figure how someone so smart could be that crazy!

At some point I will describe my experiences in full, but they are the most difficult to write about because of the potential for error and the potential for ridicule. If I didn't have high quality photo evidence of one of the lightships I encountered there is a good chance I wouldn't say anything.. Which leads me to conclude that there are many more people in a similar position who it would be good to hear from!

I know it takes a lot of courage to reveal things that people don't understand. I did a post awhile back trying to explain the limitations of our senses- how we can see only a small portion of the light spectrum and the possibility of beings that exist outside the frequencies that we can see. In fact there are ancient religious writings about beings from a lower vibrational dimension and how they use blood to assume human form. A lot of it I don't understand, but hell, there's buildings full of stuff I don't understand- they're called libraries!

hehe.. well the libraries are where they bury the lies.. just to clarify that ;)

there are indeed a great deal of things beyond our range of perception - though it is possible to shift our 'bandwidth range' to pick up more frequencies. We are 'phase locked' but that can be changed once the intent is present to do so and the needed understandings are found.

I've heard theories that it was done purposely by those who engineered us to make us better slaves. I also heard that it is possible to overcome the engineering.

It helps to understand that there is only one 'thing' in existence - US.
Therefore, we did/do it to ourselves - we just don't know how we have done it.
This means we need to end our denials before we can find out the truth and our real history.

I am still not feeling him as the real deal. I have a suspicion he is the subject of one of the mind control programs. I am suspecting that he is programmed to mix many things that are true with crazy shit, and that his delivery is so high strung so as to discredit everything, even the true stuff when people hear it.

Fulltimegeek shared another link with me back when he first asked for those of you to research this on Phil Schneider, who was much more credible and led me to many fascinating areas to look into. I am still open to the idea of aliens, as I do believe the Sumerian writings regarding this. But I do believe there is much of the mind control crap going on, even seeing credible arguments Charles Manson was under their control.

I hadn’t heard of Donald until your post, so I checked out the net for information and I'd say Donald is a mind control victim. This kind of mind control uses brain implants and to cut a long story short the object is to achieve simulated reality. The victim believes the scenarios played out in their minds. There are no aliens but the powers that should not be wants Joe public to believe otherwise, makes us easier to control...people are naturally afraid of aliens, especially reptilian ones. I was once told it takes 9 months to map a brain, but that was many years ago, no doubt with supercomputing that time is drastically cut, but the only way in is to induce fear, apparently fear lowers a person's frequency.

As for inducing a heart attack, stroke in a person...well with today's technology that is not so difficult either as long as fear is present. Every organ gives off a frequency and disrupting that frequency with WiFi technology is coming on leaps and bounds and our dumb politicians on both sides of the pond are beyond stupid for not getting such technology under strict control.

It's a mad world we live in and technology is moving faster than our intelligence...hence where we are today. As for cloning humans...I don't know where we are with that but I doubt it is possible to transfer a person's consciousness to a clone. But that nutter Ray Kursweil has invested heavily in that.

My motto is be brave, have courage and pray. God bless.

I can't tell if its true or not but it is very interesting/horrifying .

I honestly LOVE the Donald Marshall conspiracy theory. There have been a few celebrities to talk about his claims. Artist B.O.B. created the hashtag #DonaldMarshalkForPresident. Eventually Donald Marshall claimed that BOB had been made at the cloning centers and also began to torture him. Nikki Minaj offical twitter even used the hashtag #StopHumanCloning. Even Tila Tequilla has discussed this topic and claims that she was also cloned.

Tila's situation is really intriguing to me. Tila was in a long term relationship with Casey Johnson. The couple intended on adopting or having surrogate children together. Casey Johnson was one of the heirs to the Johnson & Johnson family. She died due to an overdose of her insulin medication. After Casey Johnson died, Tila Tequila went batshit craycray and began making all these youtube videos about the Illuminati. Then Tila had a brain aneurysm and nearly died. She claims that the Illuminati made her have an aneurysm and she insists that "They" cloned her while she was in the hospital.

Many people claim that Kanye West used clones and filmed his footage in a cloning center for his "FAMOUS" music video.

In conclusion, I have no idea if this conspiracy theory is real. But it is my all time fav. Nothing tops this conspiracy. If its true....what does that mean? Is it possible for the people who have been cloned to ever be freed? The theory suggests that human DNA and consciousness can be recorded, stored and incorporated in the clone tech. Donald Marshall says he has a chip inside his brain that can move his consciousness from his biological body into a clone body. waddufuk?

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