Donald Marshall and the tales of survival #aninsightongetout

Donald Marshall: Everybody is talking about Donald Marshall. Was it true, all he said? At first I didn't believe there's anything called a clone because my imagination didn't let me to. How can a person create a person? I only thought the story about clones are mere fictions just like we see in movies until I realized they're really true. Clones exists and they exist in different forms.

The story of Donald Marshall who was once a member (an insider) of one of the strongest fraternity in the world called Illuminati and for the fact that he had a long stay with them right from his early stage and also the later part of his life. Should I called Donald Marshall a person who has experienced so many things out there just like he said. Going through an article like as @dill3166 said in his write up about Donald Marshall referring to the movie "Altered carbon" by Netflix 2002 science fiction novel which is a write up by one of the well known writers in Britain called Richard K. Morgan.

Image source flickr

Well, my own version of the Donald Marshall story is based on the movie called Get Out which was a 2017 horror movie which was written and directed by Jordan Peele. The movie was released in January 2017. In this movie we can see that most of the things that happen in the movie is just like what Donald Marshall had said. The movie centers on what happens behind closed doors as a set of people who are rich and famous use their fellow men to exchange brains. They hypnotize them . The brains are kept in the bodies of the other living beings in order for the memory of the brain to be alive even though the owners are dead in reality.

For example, the brains of the relatives of these rich people which could be their parents, grand parents or siblings are removed from them before they die and placed in another person's head and of course the persons' brain would've been removed so that the brains of these their dead relative can be placed inside the brain of their victims through special surgery by a skilled surgeon.

image source wikimedia

Most times, their victims who they use for these exchanges are black people who are unaware of the treachery of these people. When the surgery is successfully carried out (exchange of the brains) they begin to call these new bodies by the names of their relatives whom people think are dead and that makes these rich people feel they still have their relatives around them and so they keep the bodies as pet or slaves in their houses just as a cover up from the world.

Just like Donald Marshall said about kidnapping, these victims are lured by a member of their secret society in an enticing way in order to get them close enough them and use them for the brain exchange just like that in the movie. Most of their victims too are also used as test subjects to test various biochemical weapons in the labs just like lab mouse. Again just like Donald Marshall said in his online post about how they treat people, they also torture their victims too, just like the way it was portrayed in the movie "Get out".

The thing is that the Viril group which is popularly known now as the Illuminati controls almost all the world power system and that to them is more than enough power to do what they want and what they like to anyone. Most of the powerful people in the world that we envy today to be like for example, the celebrities that we want to be like (actors, singers, footballers, musicians) play a very big role in the society and because of their influence in the society, people are vulnerable to them and they can take advantage of people too.

Who would not want to date a celebrity? Who would not want to marry one? Who would not be glad to be in the same room or gathering with the president? Who would refuse the request of a queen? I believe these are great question which need great answers too.

Just watch out cause most of the things you hear happening now has been portrayed in a way sometimes earlier in a book, or in a movie. To find out more about Donald Marshall checkout this awesome blog by @fulltimegeek

Watch out!!!

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