Succession Laws: Bloodlines are at the Core of Everything!

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

Hello there,

Today I'm going to discuss a topic that is ABSOLUTELY VITAL towards the good functioning of the NWO network and of the illuminati group... the human elite.

This topic is, as you can see in the title: Succession Laws.

Why is this so important?

Well, because the Human Elites, the NWO, whatever you wish to call them...

...they are ALL About Bloodlines!


Because of this... and why are the Rothschilds still so powerful?

Because of this as well.

Bloodlines are highly valuable, and the hierarchy in the NWO Elites is hugely based on Bloodlines alone.

The Three Main Succession Laws: Gavelkind, Primogeniture and Seniority!

Well, there are a lot of succession laws and these laws evolved A LOT during the years.

As a matter of fact, they can be considered a sociological rule that is being developed throughout the ages to make sure Bloodlines keep as much power as they can.

This is how they assure not only that their blood keeps whatever traits they want to preserve, but also that the line keeps ALL the achievements of everyone who came before them.

You see, an average guy makes a HUGE Achievement... yet two or three generations later, nobody knows his family name anymore.

You can see this everyday...


With clear succession laws such as those implemented by the Human Elites, the achievements of their family members are kept present because the family doesn't dillute.

As such, the three main succession laws have proven to be (by less popular to most popular) Seniority, Primogeniture and Gavelkind.

Explaining Seniority, Primogeniture and Gavelkind:

One of the first rules was Seniority.

With this rule, the oldest member of the family is the one who inherits from the previous leader. You see, each house from the elites has a leader at all times - he is the one who speaks on behalf of his house... such as Nathan Rothschild spoke for all the Rothschilds at a point (the one who invented the central banks system).

This rule was popular because it was always the oldest, and therefore usually more respected member of the family, who inherited the majority of the power and influence.

However, society shifted towards feudalism on the medieval ages, and this caused problems. You see, if the families were using Seniority, the power would shift a lot geographically thanks to the NWO families being spread out throughout the world.

Also, they all had different kings in their pockets and wanted to make sure their own kings would grow in power to further their family arm's influence.

This lead to families wanting to grow their own family arms in order to increase their chances of being the leader by being able to pressure the senior member of the family to abdicate in their name.

This created concerns that bloodlines would infight to further their own "arms" agenda. And so in the medieval ages you saw the rise in popularity for Primogeniture.

With this rule, the different bloodlines' arms would all have a leader and their deeds and power would pass down to the first born of the leader and not risk falling to the other leaders' arms.

This weakened the Human Elites and they thought about a way to get back to being lead by one leader again, making all arms work together.

So they started using Gavelkind, making every bloodline operating under one leader once again (Nathaniel Rothschild, again, was the family leader under this rule, but his brothers also had some power thanks to the Gavelkind rule).

This united the families, and is the law being used until this day.

Succession Laws Kept It Pure: Rockefeller, Windsor, Rothschild, You Name It!

The illuminati are ALL part of a series of families with different hierarchical position.

You see, the hierarchy isn't based upon the person, but the family!

The bloodlines defend their position against each other and compete for the supremacy... because the families on top really RULE THE WHOLE WORLD!

Forget about WARS and conflicts of interest.

They are all part of a huge theatrical manipulation game played by these families.

One of the best things that could have happened was that these succession laws never came to be this perfected, because their now a well oiled machine to guarantee one thing and one thing only.


Meanwhile, there are people around the world who don't even know who their own fathers know... but these families know what their ancestors in the bronze age did.

This is a shame, but at the same time, isn't this INTERESTING as well?

Heck, sometimes I feel fascinated by their smarts, then remember the fucked up shit they come up with and get back to the fight.


Stay safe, and watchful!

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Inquiring minds want to know!!

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It's a Steemit link, that's why it doesn't' have
the icon that indicates that it's an external site.
It's a Steemit post about the Vrill. If you ever
want to check a link location before clicking it.
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where so that you can read where it will take you.
Very smart to not click random links b4 checking!

They keep the chair. They don't want to chair be without their ass. But who set the chair? REptilians or mammals? BIRDS?

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