Phil Schneider: The First Whistleblower Got Murdered for It!

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

Hello everyone,

Today I'm going to talk about a HERO who gave his life so we, the sheep, could wake up to the fact reptilians are real.

He was the first person to talk about D.U.M.Bs and the only credible whistleblower we had before #DonaldMarshall appeared.

He told everyone about deep underground bases, the reptilians, pacts, the illuminati, how the NATO and UN would conduct themselves, and the reality that is hidden behind what most people deem as real.

He was very vocal, and brave enough to tell people about these secret things... secrets so dangerous he got murdered!

Read more below...

About Phil Schneider: The Video I Shared Yesterday!

So, what would Phil say?

Here's a video of a good lecture from him where you can hear it from his mouth first hand.

If you haven't done so, I advise you to watch it carefully as it will give you context to the rest of the article.

Here it goes:

So, did you like it?

The man has balls of steel... or had... didn't he?

He is one of the men I most admire in this world simply because he was the Hero we needed when we needed it. He woke up 2 or 3 generations of people and had a deep impact on me as a researcher on the NWO and the Vril.

On the other hand, his heroic death at the hands of those who wish to enslave us made him a martyr society doesn't even bother to thank, since most people aren't even aware of his existence.

Of course, the official records say he committed suicide... but let me tell you just why that is BULLSHIT!

Phil Schneider Didn't Commit Suicide: Here's Why!

Ok, so let's go over the details regarding his death and try to think for ourselves.

I'll just give you the facts, and after the facts are out there I promise you that I won't even have to make a case for it since you'll be seeing he was obviously silenced!

Let's Start!

Phil Kept Telling Family and Friends "If I ever commit suicide, I was murdered!"

Phil knew they were coming for him, and I wouldn't be surprised if #DonaldMarshall would one of these days commit suicide as well.

Phil, knowing he was a target and that what he was doing was messing with hugely powerful people and creatures, pre-emptively told everyone that he was a target and that if he ever died mysteriously or committing suicide, he was murdered.

This alone is enough to raise a huge red flag.

Phil Acquired a Gun to Protect Himself:

He knew he was a target, so he got a gun to protect himself as he knew they were near.

His Research Material Was Missing:

He had a lot of valuables at home, including gold, but everything was there...

...everything except his research material.


He actually had stuff from the underground bases and tangible evidence he would take to his lectures... but those went MIA.

Protocol Wasn't Followed:

When someone is found dead, one of the first things people do is check if things were missing... his research and materials were missing.

When things are missing, a coroner has to investigate the death... after all, a dead body doesn't steal.

No coroner ever investigated his death.

No Suicide Note:

When you kill yourself, a note is customary.

Urine and Blood Samples Were Harvested, Not Analyzed:

Urine and blood samples were harvested but the medical examiner refused to analyze them as to avoid wasting money.

They were then stored for 12 months.... except people paid to have them analyzed after only 11 months and they were told the samples had gone missing or maybe destroyed.

He Was Found With a Hose Wrapped Around His Neck 3 Times:

He was found with a hose wrapped around his neck 3 times and he had 3 missing fingers and limited shoulder mobility.

The body wouldn't have been were it was found either... he would have to, with his limited mobility and missing fingers together, strangle himself with the hose wrapped around him 3 times and then fall heads first to a wheelchair.

This is a military style execution. Anyone can confirm it.

Except people use to do it with a piano wire... but that would be a bit too much for the official story to stick I guess.

He Was Religious and Didn't Believe in Suicide:

He was religious and as such didn't believe suicide was a valid answer...

He Was Going To Publish a Book With Everything He Knew:

He was working with a publisher to launch a book that would expose everything... until he decided to strangle himself military style with his limited range of movements.

We Was Seen With an Unknown Woman Several Times, Starting Only Months Before His Death:

Nobody knows who the mysterious blonde woman was, but she was spotted around him plenty of times months before his death.

Phil Was a Hero!

So, do you still think he committed suicide?

Heck, this looks like everything but a suicide to me, and to me the first point alone is enough to prove it.

He knew he was a target, he told everyone he was a target, he knew he was a goner when he openned his mouth, but he couldn't do a thing...

...because in the end, THEY are the ones in charge.

Think about this for a moment... and wait for Donald's suicide...

...unfortunately, it will probably happen.

Let's Hope Not!!

Stay safe, and watchful!

Decentralized Ad Space Rocks:


I have listened to everything this man has said and I do believe him and think his story is very genuine and real. The wounds on his body and hands definitely match what he said.

Ultimately the main reason he was killed was that he was disclosing the locations of deep underground military bases (DUMBS) and this was his ultimate downfall I believe. And yes, he was definitely killed and this was made to look like a suicide. But even this attempt at looking like a suicide was done to look sloppy on purpose, so that those digging just a little bit into this would see he was killed and to back away from the research he was doing and those things he was talking about.

Another item of interest was that his body turned black after death, showing that he was exposed to arsenic and probably was for years. This might have been a slow attempt at poisoning him or make him feel sick to the point that he would stop touring and speaking.

RIP Phil he was a great man at a time when now we need all the great men and women we can find!

Never Forget!
The shame is even with him knowing and warning everyone around him, it still wasn't enough and suicide still flies as na excuse.

Yea man, his sacrifice for the human race I think in the long run will be looked back on with the importance it deserves. His story with the tremendous amount of evidence it contained helped and many countless people find validity in what seems like crazy claims at first. But once u actually look at the facts presented (even though nowadays we are living in a time when actual facts do not matter as David Icke would say) there is this holy shit moment when the truth hits you whether u are ready for it or not!

And than of course for the ultimate confirmation of the validly to his story because he was murdered for it.

Sounds like a pretty serious chap! I'll have to take a look. I'm not fully behind the whole NWO scenario of world domination but I do have an open mind! Thx for posting!!

Thanks! Keep on stopping by as you investigate more :D

I do believe he was suicided! Killed not by his own hand. So much info coming out now on globalists and evil doers so don't be surprised when an unusual amount of suicides start happening. Suicide by a gunshot to the back and such. Honestly, nothing really surprises me anymore!

Yeap... seems like it.
Suicide with 3 headshots is next :D

Awesome, I watched Schneider's video years ago and always found his story fascinating. I never knew the circumstances around his death but after reading this I totally agree that this has all the signs of a targeted killing.

The kind of strangulation you describe here sounds like "garotting", usually involving a think wire and it's very common that victims lose several of their fingers trying to defend themselves.

Edit: Nevermind the garotting comment as I see Schneider was already missing 3 fingers from his near death experience involving a Grey.

I'm not sure I fully understand the circumstances surrounding his death / 'suicide'.

The body wouldn't have been were it was found either... he would have to, with his limited mobility and missing fingers together, strangle himself with the hose wrapped around him 3 times and then fall heads first to a wheelchair.

Where was his body found?
Can you explain the wheelchair part?
And what is the source of this information?

Sorry, for all the questions but I'd like to know a few more detials surrounding his death.

It was found in his home... he hit his head... you should research his death on Google, there are really in-depth and highly detailed accounts of the case, would take me a lot of time to go over it all, but luckily they are very easy to find.

Look those up and make up your mind, don't let me influence you.

The great guys are leaving us everyday and we are seated doing nothing. Do we really have a Messiah, are we ready to bell our cat, I have said it countless times that the world is controlled by evil minds.

Thank you for writing on such a sensitive subject that MUST and NEEDS to be talked about. I myself struggle with talking about it due to the backlash and hate I have received from doing so in the past. So, I applaud you.

You organized the information quite well and really made some great points. The man really is a hero.

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