Donald Marshall explains how Nostradamus affects the lives of the Illuminati

These organizations are true believers of the abilities Nostradamus had several centuries ago that allows him to see the future and make all sort of accurate predictions.

I would bet that they must have access to information and documents that aren’t open to the public and allow them to confirm that the ability Nostradamus claimed to have, was indeed real and something that needs to be taken into account, even today after so many centuries has passed.
The reason I think that, is because since as Marshall has informed, they have the necessary means, knowledge and resources to start operations about human cloning, it will be no surprise if they also had information that is unknown to the public, about historical figures.
Marshall in his books called Empowerment by Virtue of Golden Truth, Human Cloning: Specifically, REM Driven Human Cloning, FULL DISCLOSURE dedicates a section towards explaining the relation between the Illuminati and Nostradamus.

Donald Marshall's claims
Also another reason they have not killed me is because the Illuminati said “If they do, everyone is going to know I am telling the truth”, -which I am with my right hand to God and I cannot lie about this stuff; the things I have seen are too sinister and diabolical. It would make me as bad as them if I did.

This would be a very obvious reaction coming from the public if something happened to Marshall. And that might be another reason why they have not do anything to stop Marshall from informing the world about his exposure.
The fact that he has been talking about these issues totally free might be a strategy from these organizations consisting in acting (or in this case, the lack of action) in a misleading way, to manipulate what the people think.
There is a concept called “reverse psychology”, which consists on this:
Reverse psychology is a technique involving the advocacy of a belief or behavior that is opposite to the one desired, with the expectation that this approach will encourage the subject of the persuasion to do what actually is desired: the opposite of what is suggested. This technique relies on the psychological phenomenon of reactance, in which a person has a negative emotional reaction to being persuaded, and thus chooses the option which is being advocated against. The one being manipulated is usually unaware of what is really going on. | Source
By allowing Marshall to share all the information he wants, people should be encouraged to start taking serious actions based on Marshall revelations, but thanks to reverse psychology, that is not what is happening, which must be exactly what the Illuminati wants.
Furthermore, because they follow the Nostradamus prophecies religiously, they have told me that they believe anyone helping me is considered part of “The Army of Light” and again, to hurt or degrade anyone helping me, considered part of The Army of Light would incur the wrath of God; and that to hurt anyone considered part of The Army of Light will degrade their lives; they will suffer misfortune and entire ruin as will their eternal soul.

It is very clear they are afraid of what Marshall can accomplish as the leader of the rebellion against those organizations. Because of their religious nature, they are afraid of having to endure eternal torment if they attack people that are doing the right thing when facing evil, like Marshall for example.
Knowing he has a kind of protection can make us feel a little bit of relief, because if something happened to him, it would close impossible to continue with what he is trying to start, which is a massive and global movement to stop the perverse activities these people have been doing for decades, and even more importantly, to stop the huge control they have over the world affairs.
These are just some of the interpretations of the Nostradamus quatrains they have relayed to me. These people are beyond crazy, zealot and religious fanatics. Nevertheless, the main point to remember by all this is that you are safe, and they cannot hurt you, they are scared to hurt you, as well as kill me because prophecies have shaped their lives and the lives of their ancestors for hundreds of years.
It is obvious to expect some people to be scare of providing a helping hand to Donald Marshall, he is trying to bring down what could be considered as the most dangerous group of people in existence. But no one should be scared of it, because they are big into religions and ancient prophecies, and they take actions based on that type of information. They don’t consider themselves the most powerful group in existence, they just see themselves as the most powerful here on Earth. It is up to the people to prove them wrong.

Furthermore, and practically, I have told too many people that this is the extent, to which technology has developed in our current day, and it is kept secret and hidden from the public for nefarious purposes and this is what the Illuminati do: REM sleep driven cloning. I have been spreading this information since 2011 and not one of these high profile people, government officials or celebrity figures has issued a (public) statement against me or taken me to court over libel charges because I’m telling the truth; and their statements would not hold in court.
With that paragraph Marshall shares a strong argument regarding his legitimacy. He has been accusing all sort of powerful people for doing horrible crimes year after year, and decade after decade, and yet, no one has accused him of defamation for the fear that in a proper court, he somehow ends up proving that every single one of his claims are truth, he surely have the means to make that happens after all of the experiences he have had with them.

Marshall continues to share strong points in his quest to get people to support him and join forces in stopping these criminal organizations.
In this article we just keep giving coverage to a small segment of one of his several books. So, in case anyone is curious about Donald Marshall’s claims, there is a lot more content out there from which you can research and see what this issue is all about.
If you have any question feel free to leave it in the comments, I will be checking those!
Cheers and thanks for reading!