Analyzing the original confession from Donald Marshall. Part 9: they try to earn their victims trust...

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to another segment in which we will continue to discuss the controversial confession from Donald Marshall. As you can see in the tittle, there are 9 previous segment which I invite you to read in order for you get the proper context of what we have been discussing. The previous segment can be found here.

As always:

It will be done like this: a paragraph or a fragment of one will be quoted by order, and after the quote there will be the thoughts + analysis of that paragraph/fragment.

Have in mind, that if you don't know who Donald Marshall is, then it would be wise to prepare yourself to read some of the most alarming things you could think of.

Without further ado, let's begin:

Children they bring there need a familiar face to talk to or all they do is scream and cry, that is where Joy Geizer comes in, she is married to my half brother from my fathers first marraige, Joy Geizer is a girl guide leader and when they clone in girl guides she speaks to them keeps them calm and pretty much pimps them for free. Source

As Marshall has reveled in previous part of our exploration, abusing children in all sort of ways is a regular occurring in the perverse meetings that these organizations often do. Doing not only physical harm to them, but only looking for ways to psychologically break them in order to make them more malleable, and possibly even controlling their actions in the future.

One thing he did to Marshall when torturing them is trying to make him believe they actually care for him which obviously is nothing more than a simple strategy to create a confusion in him about who are really his friends and who are really his enemies. Of course, Marshall being already an adult man with wisdom and experience wasn't tricked by this dirty play.

But sadly the same cannot be said about children who are full of innocence, don't know much about the world, and have no clue about the extent of horrors than evil people is capable of doing. The shock they must felt when suddenly encountering people like this must be unspeakable, and the trauma caused because of this surely will last a lifetime.

They are destroying lives of individuals who barely have started to live their own. Heartless is not enough to describe, probably there aren't even words to describe what they are doing.

So, according to Marshall, who we already know has a treacherous family, there is a woman who is her sister in law and is (unsurprising by now) also involved with the crimes committed by these secret groups. Her jobs is to act "like a friend" and earn the trust of some of the female children that are cloned for slavery.

This woman called Joy Geizer pretends to be their friend in a way of developing a certain control over them, and little by little she starts to make them docile and obedient towards the pervert wishes coming from the members and "privileged" attendants. I don't want to imagine the type of things those innocents girls must endure, especially knowing that these people sadism's have practically no limits.

But they aren't not only dangerous because of that, they are dangerous because despite all of this, they aren't stupid and have enough knowledge and resources to maintain their operations hidden from the public eye, and from anyone that could do something to stop them, if there are any that can, because that is another problem. Who can actually be able to stop people with so much power in the world?

Probably the answer to that question would be us the people, everyone of us... but in order to accomplish that we need to first be properly informed about these issues. And that is why Marshall has been trying to put his message out there, waiting for it to be pick up and somehow become viral.

knowing the children will have they're memories repressed and will not talk about it in real life, all the Geizers are in this stuff, many people that could also be polygraph tested, (Independent polygraph testers) because the police testers in my City of Halifax Nova Scotia are compromised, they cover up for child molesters, as I said commissionaires and C.S.I.S are heavily involved. All it will take is a few lie detector tests to prove these things. I will take them, and demand my mother and step father submit to them as well, it would be as easy as that. They've told me they won't even attempt to lie on a polygraph. Source

Marshall continues informing that these clone victims will not remember any of the abuse and tortures because their memory will be repressed somehow, so they have no opportunity to seek revenge in the future. But something that is not mentioned is that even if people don't consciously remember things, there will be always bits of information in our subconscious. This is what happens when a person has a forgotten trauma from the past, that is still affecting their lives in the present. Just like what happens in Jason Bourne movies.

Sometimes losing memories can occur naturally, as indicated by the below quote which is not from Marshall:

Memory loss is a natural survival skill and defense mechanism humans develop to protect themselves from psychological damage. Violence, sexual abuse and other emotionally traumatic events can lead to dissociative amnesia, which helps a person cope by allowing them to temporarily forget details of the event. A person will often suppress memories of a traumatic event until they are ready to handle them, which may never occur. | Source

The fact is, the psychological scars will remain in their minds forever, even if they cannot remember what caused it. They can end up being broken human beings, with no answer about what was the thing that damaged them. This is unacceptable and should be insulting for all of us that we are allowing for this to happen and doing nothing about it.

According to Marshall a single polygraph test would confirm every single one of the things that he is saying. But the amount of influence of these organizations apparently have no limits.

If in previous segments Marshall informed us that the Canadian Intelligence was controlled by them, he now adds that the police department of his own City of Halifax Nova Scotia is also compromised and under to whims of these wonder why Marshall never receives the help he desperately needs...

He is absolutely willing to be questioned using a polygraph, the problem is no one wants to do it, and the people he is accusing in this confession we have been covering, are obviously not gonna do it voluntarily because this would irrevocably expose them.

I had the feeling that the Pizzagate theory is related to all of this because Marshall indicated that the police department of his city covers child molesters... There seems to be a trend towards child abuse around these circles full of leaders, the same happens with the catholic Church and all the recorded abuse and rapes they have committed. Probably the Pizzagate and the Catholic church are also involved with these people's activities. What do you think?

This was all for today folks. As always, thanks for reading, and tomorrow we will hopefully continue to give more coverage to this subject.

You can check the previous segments by clicking the following images

Analyzing the original confession from Donald Marshall. Part 6
Analyzing the original confession from Donald Marshall. Part 7
Analyzing the original confession from Donald Marshall. Part 8

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Loving the donaldmarshall story so far, just a question and you can choose not to answer it. Was there any real life inspiration to these stories? Just that after reading it, it just seems so very vivid.

Was there any real life inspiration to these stories?

Marshall has been very serious with these subjects, according to him every single one of the things he has mentioned is real.

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