What is Mastering The Human Domain?
"In current military terminology, the “human domain” or “human domain analytics” refers to the “global understanding of anything associated with people.”
Breaking down into four specific categories, mastery of the human domain results from obtaining total information awareness on a mass scale"
"Master of the human domain = the ability to blend in with the local population while conducting operations .. back in the old days we called it going native .."
"The human domain is the sixth warfighting domain, and it will be the most decisive domain in future warfare. However, it is still not a sanctioned domain by the DoD. The domains, as we know them, are no longer mutually exclusive. Actions taken in each of the traditional domains are ultimately accomplished to affect a behavior change. Further, if a nation can defeat its adversary through the imposition of its will without the use of physical force, then physical means of warfighting stands to become obsolete"
"anonymous individuals who easily transform from citizen to enemy and back with limited logistical support or control."
"actions of an anonymous individual now, more easily than at any time in recorded history, can change the course of civilization."
"How do we distinguish friend from foe? How do we identify those among the population who may sell us bread in the daylight and plant Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) at night?
There are no easy means of distinguishing human threats from the law-abiding populace.
Identity, as a word, has several definitions; and, its applications are many, depending on the
focus of an organization or mission set"
"Providing vetted (friendly, neutral, hostile, and unknown) identities allows the land force commanders to select the appropriate actions necessary to winning the clash of wills. These actions may encompass a combination of operations in order to compel adversaries and the innocent populations to act in a specific way"
"However, when discussing the human domain and our many similarities, identity operations must be capable of finding one individual who looks very much alike other individuals i.e., the adversarial “needle”
within a stack of “needles”."
"Identity processes lead to identification and understanding of the human domain and “owning” the identity of the adversaries"
‘Mastering The Human Domain’: What’s At Stake With Jade Helm 15