What is the Conspiracy of the Illuminati about?

in #dolar6 years ago

Weishaupt would have created this society with the purpose of overthrowing the governments and kingdoms of the world as well as eradicating all religions and beliefs to rule nations under a new world order.

he Illuminati conspiracy is a conspiracy theory that holds that there is a "global elite" of society that is either in control of the world, or is trying to take control of the world.
If one were to try to summarize the Illuminati conspiracy, it would be something like this: The Illuminati began as a secret society under the direction of the Jesuit fathers. Later, a council of five men, one for each of the points of the five-pointed star, formed what was called "The Ancient Seers and Illuminati of Bavaria."
Its supposed plan and purpose is the domination of the world by its lord (Who is this "lord" is very variable). It is alleged that the Illuminati are the main motivating forces fostering a new global order, an ethics of an ecumenical religious world, and centralized control of the world's economic systems.
Also make it clear that The Illuminati unlike the rest of the Secret Societies, do not obey religion, politics, ethnicity, color, language, sex, they are guided by the Power, each individual is a link in the chain of the order . That is to say, they can be political opponents, homosexuals and priests, but within the order they are "enlightened" Beings and Brothers called to a high consciousness.

Something that the Illuminati have been able to do is to have control and for that you have to be everywhere, this is how they control the organized crime, they give powers to the Drug Posters, Weapons, information, raise the Psychopaths in true Idols, make movies of their misdeeds, handle prostitution, drug trafficking arms, supply sides, maintain the conflict, has always controlled where and when, prices, Etc. ask you will not be much? How can they do it? They are never there, they always have soldiers, those who do, pay, convince and execute. always respecting the great pyramid.

he data that invades the network about the Illuminati are sometimes shocking, but there are also other contradictory ones, or taken from some science fiction movie. So, what is real? Are there really the Illuminati? That only they know.
Next, we have gathered a series of data in which various sources agree to have a clearer idea of ​​what the Illuminati are or, at least, to know what, in general, is said about them.

Los misterios alrededor de este grupo tienen que ver con el carácter secreto. Durante mucho tiempo las sociedades secretas estuvieron prohibidas, y por tanto, los Illuminati debieron hallar formas de no ser descubiertos. Los miembros no son develados en público, nadie sabe quiénes pertenecen a este grupo y tampoco se sabe cómo funcionan.

Structure of the sect
Like the freemasons, the Illuminati articulated internally in degrees; that is, there was an apprentice, a companion and a teacher. In the lowest scale, the individual was destined to the understanding of the method and to adapt to the functioning of the sect, while the partner was the one who was dedicated to the administration of the lodge, the treasury. At the top was someone who knew everything and was in charge of instructing others.
The New World Order

The majority of the members that make up this group are very powerful and influential people, wealthy bankers, the best political leaders and the business elite; men of oil, and the high positions of large multinational corporations and the pharmaceutical industry.

Theories aside, the truth is that many researchers, journalists, writers, etc ... who have exposed their ideas from a conspiratorial point of view, or have argued against the Illuminati plans, have been murdered or mysteriously disappeared.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy spoke against the secret societies and said he was not going to allow any kind of secret society, he was killed. Lee Harvey Oswald was accused of the murder of the president of the United States of America, but pleaded not guilty and was never given a legal representative.


new world order.

Illuminati unlike the rest of the Secret Societies

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