A friend of mine had a 1/4 wolf mix and a 2,4 Meter Fence was not a problem to get over for this Animal. For my friend however this was a problem when he would go after a neighbor's Cat. I think the best place to live when you have 1/4 or 1/2 wolves, is out in the countryside.
Yes that is although my neighbours have sheep (ahum). So far they only killed birds, cats, snakes, rats ... the German sheppards killed a goat.. I can say it was a big mess...
The youngest male had fun in the chicken house by killing most chickens (did not eat them) while the rest was watching him.
tobe honest I think it was just playing. They did not seem to understand why I was angry plus did not eat it except for some snakes as they were younger and the youngest ate a cat that died about 3 weeks earlier .
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