Feeding the doggies!
One of the main things we try to do for dogs that we do not have time or funds to help is just to make sure that they have something to eat. There are a lot of stray dogs here in Krabi and presumably beyond that really struggle to find basic necessities in life like food. We don't have a lot to offer them but we do have a lot of very inexpensive dog food that they are normally very happy to recieve.

It probably seems like I want recognition for my efforts but honestly I do not. What I do want is for other people out there to realize how simple it is for you to make a magnificent difference in a poor animal's life by just having a bit of compassion and giving them something to eat.

If you are the kind of person that has enough money to pay your rent or mortgage and live your life there is a very good chance that you have enough money to spare to buy a bag of dog food and most of these bags cost next to nothing. They are extremely well appreciated by the doggie guys and girls that don't have homes and cause problems for the communities that they live in just simply because they are starving. This is why they knock over trash cans and dig up things. It's not because they want to annoy you. It is because they have a empty void in their tummies called "hunger" and most of us have never really experienced that.
It is truly tragic and it really doesn't cost that much to help them.
I don't need people to donate to me or our cause; I merely want everyone to have some compassion for creatures that are in need. A lot of the stray dog problems could be fixed if people with a bit of money or leftover food to spare simply gave it to stray dogs in their area.
So if you live in an area with stray dogs and have some spare cash just keep in mind that bags of dog kibbles are remarkably cheap or even if you just have some scraps left from dinner. Please consider giving it to the less fortunate ones that live every day of their lives in a constant state of hunger and fear. It really would make a world of difference.
If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at

It's good that there are still good people!