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RE: Update on Nadi (my dog)'s hospitalization

in #dogs2 years ago

Man, fuck that first vet. I can only hope those people end up in a gulag somewhere for being such scammy, shitty people.

Glad your dog is good to go now though and that the vet bill was super easy to coast through. I've had several vet visits over the last 10 years where I was terrified of how much the bills were going to be, and sadly here in the US they are pretty much always aids so it's a pretty correctly placed worry. Especially when you don't have much money and can't do anything.

Anyways, hope she has a clean bill of health after her check up and that eventually she can go back to harassing you into giving her your meals, leaving you only the remains :)


I think my arrogance or lack of a feeling of need to fully check out the Vet clinic is because I spent so much time in Thailand before moving here. Veterinary care in Thailand is seriously amazing and every vet is fantastic. They must have a stricter licensing procedure or something. I have no idea.

I mean, quality care definitely differs from clinic to clinic in any type of medical field. But, I also imagine that Thailand has better care on average since places like Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia are a fair amount more poor in comparison. I wouldn't be shocked to hear that Thailand is more strict with schooling/licensing for vet clinics. Either way, if someone goes killdozer on that first vet clinic I wouldn't feel bad :)

You are correct about that. Almost all of the nations over here are extremely poor compared to western nations but Thailand is considerably more affluent than most of the others.

Just have all those other countries come together and make one super, mega country and they'll be able to rival Thailand in pet care then I'm sure. It definitely wouldn't turn into a blackhole of doom or anything like that with crime, poverty and overall suffering just being amplified. Definitely not.

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