Dogs are man's best friends. Dog loyalty

in #dogs6 years ago

Thousands of years near us live faithful, irreplaceable animals-dogs. They were the first living creatures tamed by man. These animals protect the house, protect their owners, help to hunt and graze cattle.

Tandem of man and dog

Dogs are the best friends of man, because thanks to their flair, endurance and special character, they organically entered our lives and are always there: at home, at work, on vacation. If someone does not have children and relatives, the dog will be the closest living creature.


More than 20 thousand years ago, primitive man brought to his home a completely wild wolf. It took thousands of years for the predator to learn from its habits and become a pet. Initially, animals (dogs) guarded the house and, sensing the danger, gave a signal. These creatures are well developed hearing and smell, so they can hear and feel what is beyond human control. The dog is by nature a great hunter. She was happy to hunt with the owner, tracked down and drove the game. When man domesticated the other animals, in charge of dogs entered and the protection of cattle.

Role in human history

Archaeologists have discovered in the excavations of ancient human settlements dog bones, which indicates the long-standing ties of people and these animals. Since then, it is believed that dogs are the best friends of man throughout history. In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that the dog-a symbol of the Kingdom of the dead. The Egyptians worshipped her and were given the status of deity. The ancient frescoes depict dogs sitting next to the Pharaoh. They also accompanied their leader to the world of the dead. Dogs built separate sarcophagi, they were buried with honors. In Ancient Greece and Rome bred fighting dogs. So, in the army of Alexander the great was a detachment that consisted of more than 5 thousand animals. Four-legged soldiers chained in armor and sent to the battle. The dead animals were buried with honors as glorious heroes. In Russia, most often the dog was taken with him to hunt. Especially for this lesson were derived known hunting breeds, characterized by speed, endurance, agility and courage. As historical data tell, Tsar Peter I had a connected dog that carried orders and letters. Such abilities brothers our smaller enjoyed and during the great Patriotic war. Dog handlers discreetly passed by the enemy and carried important messages. During the war years at field hospitals there were dogs-orderlies. They were looking for the wounded on the field, on the back of each was tied bag with medicines. Many soldiers owe their lives to four-legged rescuers. So you can easily say that dog is man's best friend. In some countries, there are four-legged postmen who deliver telegrams and letters high into the mountains to tourist bases. Dogs are the best friends of man, they always come to his aid, do not leave in difficult times. Thanks to this quality, these animals are involved in the search for missing people. There are hundreds of cases when the dog pulled people out of the water, found lost in the woods or in the mountains, looking for victims in the rubble after earthquakes.

Dog's devotion

What is loyalty of a dog? Is this feeling to be measured and defined? Maybe it's just the affection of a living being to man or gratitude for the affection and care? It's very hard to figure it out. Some scientists believe that dogs in a certain period there is a need to master, in obedience to the stronger individual. Others are convinced that these animals can have feelings close to human. Devotion to dogs, friendship as people to be cherished. After all, friendship and devotion – an invaluable gift that is given only once, and these relationships are built on trust and love. Dogs are animals that feel a subtle connection with the owner. In the behavior of the four-pet traced features of its owner. Regardless of the nature of the person, the dog was and remains the most loyal creature. Even after death she does not leave his friend: gives various signs to warn of the danger or heralding important events in life. Repeatedly people talked about the visions of the night or on the visits of the ghosts, who were saved from trouble and death.

Relationship children and dogs

Many dogs are very much attached to children. The four-legged pet will not only become a protector, but also a nanny for the baby. A devoted dog will never offend a child, it is touching to soothe and play, uncontrollably rejoices at the sight of a little friend, worries when he is sick. It is children's sincerity and purity has to itself animals. It is not surprising that children at school write an essay "Dog is the best friend of man". After all, you can give a lot of examples of such friendship, both well-known and from their own lives. Students enthusiastically talk about the dog Hachiko, who daily met his master at the station and continued to wait for the right even after his death. Children describe the stories associated with the monuments to dogs, known around the world, as well as the stories that occurred in the neighborhood in his hometown.

Get a dog-change yourself and your life

The dog will always be close to the man, ready to come to his aid in any extreme situation. For thousands of years it has served faithfully, fearlessly protects, saves from cold and loneliness. Scientists believe that four-legged friends help to cure some psychological diseases. The person who got himself such a friend, radically changing character, it becomes more responsive and kinder. There are people who believe that this is an exaggerated opinion. But, on reflection, it is difficult to agree with this point of view. With the appearance of a dog in the house man forced to become more responsible, to take care of a pet, consider their needs and, therefore, reduces his selfishness. Walking four-legged friend, the owner fights with laziness and begins to engage in active rest or even sports. 

Here are a few facts that answer the question of why a dog is a man's best friend:

your dog helps you to gain confidence in yourself; 

man becomes liberated and gregarious; 

leaves a feeling of loneliness; 

relationships with family, lovers and friends become more harmonious; 

acquired confidence in achieving the goal;

 the dog becomes a companion, assistant and bodyguard.



Sometimes, I think my Dog can read my mind! He is amazing, and would die for me in a heartbeat I am sure. BUT, to get to him, they would need to go through me first!

My Grandson has dog protection from day one!

lincoln on guard.jpg


Have children with dogs mental the link

He is less than a year old, but they are doing what he directs them to do! When they do he laughs and screams in delight. They are already having a lot of fun! :)

Thank you very much for the great story!
Where you from ?

You are welcome. They are going to be partners in crime later I am sure
I am in North East Oklahoma, by Tulsa.
Where are you located?

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