Songs of my youth - #runforsteem challenge entry
Running along the ice and snow, with the Immigrant Song (from the 70's and the recent marvel movie Ragnarok) hammering up the pace, I saw a hairy beast running to intercept me.
Thor running over to say hello
I was lucky to get away with my mittens.
As I fled to the lake and safety, heart racing, I head his companions calling to him.
Would you believe his name was Thor? :)
I tried, a bit later to film (from my chest-mounted dslr) the downhill I've been running the last few days. The vid didn't do a great job of showing how steep it is.
I'm going to try again to do a #runforsteem entry, even though the second entry costs me double. :)
So the entry:
And a photo or two to bribe the judges...
Nice photos!