Fostering Adaptation in Dogs
One of the most common myths about dog behavior training is that it's just a matter of teaching your dog new tricks to learn them. This is completely untrue. There are actually many ways for you to foster adaptation in your dog and increase his or her chances of being trained correctly.
These dog training methods vary from person to person, but they all have one thing in common: they encourage dog owners to teach their dogs how to adapt. This doesn't mean that the dog has to follow someone else's every command, but rather that they are taught to adapt to different situations.
This can be done through a number of training method. Some techniques will focus on praising your dog when he or she does something right, while other methods will focus more on correction. Both methods are effective in fostering adaptation in dogs, but some methods are better than others.
One of the best dog training techniques for fostering adaptation is praise. Praise is a good way to ensure that the dog is learning from you. When your dog obeys your command and follows it to the letter, give him or her a pat. Repeat this pat as often as possible so that you can help your dog to recognize the command's importance.
Correction is another method that is very effective. While this is not always necessary, it can make the dog pay for a mistake that he or she made during the training. If the dog misbehaves, give him or her a firm "no" and then begin teaching him or her the correct behavior.
Another very effective training method is a training crate. Dogs love to be in a large area where they can go to and think about what they've done. They enjoy their dog crate and they like being able to go there when they're ready to relax and forget about the world.
Make sure to only use a crate whenever your dog is going to do something new, because they enjoy it so much. Also, make sure you make the crate a good sized area and that he or she will be able to relieve himself in.
A dog training method known as desensitization is another effective way of fostering adaptation. This method involves slowly introducing the dog to a new item, activity. When the dog is able to tolerate this activity, you can move on to a new item. If the dog can no longer tolerate the activity, you may need to change the next item.
This method works because it helps the dog's sense of smell. The more you train him or her to tolerate something, the more easily he or she will be able to accept that particular item.
A dog training method known as reinforcement is another effective one for fostering adaptation. You may notice your dog trying to obey a command, but he or she simply doesn't seem to get it the first time around. You will find that this happens when training with the dog crate method. and is usually due to a lack of stimulation.
Rewarding your dog when he or she does the right thing is important. Whenever you see him or her behaving in a positive manner is the best way to encourage him or her to do that particular action again.
When training dogs, you may find that the rewards don't always work. In this case, it is possible that your dog needs to reinforce the correct action with something else. When you start using treats in your training, start off small, like a piece of cheese or a bone, and slowly increase its value until you get the command right.
If all else fails, it is always worth consulting your vet. He or she can recommend something that will aid in the process of fostering adaptation.