Dogethereum Node (DEN) Concept
EVM for Dogethereum didn't work (that was with a Dogecoin node as a VM).
Next I'm trying a full ETH Node on a Linux stick & a Dogecoin Node on a different Linux stick being communicated by a Dogethereum Node (DEN) on a r.pi (B+ or 3). Running a very basic blockchain to keep copies of stripped ETH contract + token information of all re-packaged coins (Doge>ETH && Doge<ETH).
Main forethought:
The DEN receives all information and performs re-packaging.
Optional Forethought:
Running a Dapp to apply blank/new smart contact information we can go doge to eth (D>E) and running scripts to strip unneeded info we can go eth to doge (D<E).
Appendage Forethought:
Dogethereum would technically be a Virtual Node, floating as either the Dapp (front end apply/remove eth info, back end simple blockchain) or as a VM.
>Packet Flow when transferring "ETH Address to Dogecoin Address"<
ETH Network -> Pi -> ETH Node -> DEN -> Dogecoin Node -> Pi -> Dogecoin Network
>Packet Flow when transferring "Dogecoin Address to ETH Address"<
Doge Network -> Pi -> Dogecoin Node -> DEN -> ETH Node -> Pi -> Ethereum Network
Interesting. I'm a big doge fan.
I'm glad to hear so!
I use it for my children's allowance.