Dog Grooming Fails That Hurt Our Eyes
For people who may not have the charm and charisma to incite online fame, pets can be a way to get it. Some people have cats or dogs, while others have all kinds of rodents or birds that can talk or do tricks. Majority of pet owners, however, gravitate towards dogs. Dogs come in a variety of breeds and mixes, with an assortment of distinct personalities, all of which can elicit responses of cooing from the general population. To take good care of their canines, most owners seek professional help and bring their babies to the groomer. Sometimes the groomer does a good job, and other times it’s not quite like the picture that was showed to them. Here’s 15 of the worst doggy grooming fails.
Imagine being a dog owner and being so frugal to the point where instead of buying your pet Shiba Inu multiple doggy clothes, you tell your groomer to fashion an article of clothing from the actual fur that’s growing from your dog’s body. You leave the dog at the groomer’s for a few hours and pick him up only to find that they’ve turned his fur into a pair of suspenders that’s permanently attached to his body. It’s going to take a few months for all that fur to grow back, but while everyone’s waiting for that to happen, you might as well take a couple hundred pictures of him looking like he’s about to enter kindergarten for the first time every day. All he’s missing is a cute backpack.
Most popular dog breeds in the last couple of years. What with their short fat bodies, stumpy legs and fluffy butts. They’ve long been the Queen of England’s favorite breed for decades for a reason. They are adorable and they make lovely companions. A trend that has become popular amongst corgi owners is the shaping of their fluffy butt fur into a heart. This owner’s corgi though was not so lucky. The owner showed the groomer the picture on the left of a perfectly shaped heart puff tail, which they wanted for their corgi. Unfortunately something must’ve gotten lost in translation and all the hair in the butt area was shaved in the shape of a heart exposing his butthole.
Pet groomers can be a bit pricey especially in the city, where dog spas can cost up to a few hundred dollars or even more. City pet owners love spoiling their fur babies and they don’t mind cashing out the big bucks to ensure the holistic well-being of their pets is met. So these pet groomers in the city jack up their prices because they know they will always have customers. There are still some owners, though, who will take it upon themselves to save their money and try their hand at doing their own pet’s grooming needs. Like this dog owner who wanted to give his terrier a rad mohawk, but instead of it looking cool it ended up making the dog look like Winnie-the-Pooh’s best donkey friend.
In what is most definitely another DIY job, here we see a good girl sitting patiently on the steps in front of her master’s house. All of the fur from the neck down has been shaved, which makes her look like a lion complete with her mane. Maybe the owner had a good reason for doing what they did to the dog. Maybe it’s summer and they’re worried the dog might feel a little too warm under all of her thick fur. Maybe they just wanted to give her a unique look that’ll catch a lot of attention. Whatever their reason was, even though she looks ridiculous, she’s decided to stick around. Truly, it is a testament to her love and loyalty to her human.
Just like with people, when you tell a barber or a hair stylist that you only want a trim or a little off the top, they almost always take a little too much. All you can really do is give them a weak smile when they ask you if the length they’ve cut off is okay. This owner on Twitter lamented his dog’s trials and tribulations in the hands of the groomer. Josh asked them to give his dog a trim, but when he came back to get his dog he discovered that they had taken every single thing that makes him cute and replaced it with all the worst choices. Josh describes his dog post-grooming as looking like a rat on meth, and that’s pretty accurate.
It has been well-documented that a lot of the manliest of men love tiny dogs. Bikers oftentimes have tiny dogs riding around with them on their Harley Davidsons, complete with their own tiny helmets and leather vests. So it’s no surprise that this dog owner gave his small dog a beard. The kind of beard that you see in thrash metal concerts both on the people performing on stage as well as the people in the audience crashing into each other in the mosh pit. He’s the doggy equivalent of Serj Tankian, vocalist of the band System of a Down, with the short and business-ready top, and the serious but ready to rock out beard at the bottom. This dog has lived in a rockin’ household his whole life.
Summertime can be taxing, especially for dogs whose breeds supposedly belong in cooler weather. Like your huskies or your malamutes or your Saint Bernards. But because these breeds have become popular all over the world, a lot of pets end up living in tropical areas with warm temperatures. In these cases, pet owners have to make sure the dog doesn’t suffer in the sweltering heat. Some owners do that by keeping their pets in central air conditioning at all times, others give their dogs ice baths they can lounge in, while some take the most inexpensive route and straight up shave them down to their skin for that instant cooling effect. This owner decided to keep a patch on the dog’s back in the shape of a heart.
The thing with furry dogs is that they get most of their cuteness points from how fluffy they are. Have you ever seen a Pomeranian after it was given a bath? When all its fur has gotten wet and matted down? The dog looks like a scared little rat, with its huge eyes and tiny body quivering from the cold. Pet owners usually dry a Pomeranian’s wet fur as quickly as possible. But this dog owner obviously didn’t think of this when he shaved this poor dog’s entire body while leaving all of its fur on its head, making him look like a dime store bobblehead figurine. He’s still pretty adorable but having to look at him for the next couple of months without laughing is going to be a challenge.
Most furry dogs tend to look very goofy when you completely shave their fur. It is like they were given all of that fur for the very reason of covering up all of that goofiness. Here we have a dog owner whose mom decided to become a dog groomer for a day and gave their dog a whole body shave and left a tuft of his curly hair on top of his head like an afro. Lindsay, the owner, shared her dog’s before and after pictures and apparently her mom said the dog specifically wanted to keep it long on the top, hence the little afro she kept. Lindsey is rightfully upset and the thousands of retweets this garnered means a lot of people agreed with her.
Most of these weird haircut trends for dogs originate in Asia, either from Japan or Korea, then they make their way to the other side of the world through social media. One of these trends from a few years ago was cutting the fur around the dogs face to make the head look like a block. It was done usually to Shih Tzus because of how furry their heads can get as well as their flat faces favoring the block-look. Like the little cutie in this picture who has all but accepted its fate as a blockhead. It helps that its lips look like someone slathered some red lipstick on it and smeared it on purpose, adding to the very human look of disappointment on its face.
Pet owners who love pop culture, such as movies and TV shows, also love incorporating their pets into their passions or hobbies. On Halloween, some owners dress their dogs up in matching costumes or if they’re lucky, the character they’re dressed as also has a dog for a companion in the source material. For example, you dress up as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, naturally your tiny toy dog is going to be the Cowardly Lion—just kidding; he’d be Toto, of course! This Yorkshire terrier here looks like he’s having a blast cosplaying the bad little monster from the movie Gremlins, Stripe, with the same mohawk and mischievous glint in his eye. You just know he’s up to no good the moment you turn your back.
Poodles have always gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to outrageous doggy hairstyles. They have the right kind of fur that makes them susceptible to groomers who would love to make all kinds of wacky stuff on their bodies. Even basic dog show poodles look ridiculous. Here we have one such poor creature who was subjected to the crazy ideas of a madman. The poodle’s fur is made to look like flowers with a stem, leaves and butterflies. The look of defeat on the dog’s face just seals his fate as being a canvas for this nonsense for his entire life. As long as he’s not getting hurt and he’s getting all the belly rubs and pats before and after this, he should be fine.
Just like a lot of the dogs before this one whose entire bodies are stripped of their fur—either intentionally because of weather reasons or because the owner just thought it’d be hilarious to do so—this dog has the look of defeat and disappointment on his face. This dog, which looks like a type of Chow chow mix, is giving the camera a look like he’s asking for help from a kind stranger on the street to take him from the bad man who shaved him bald. But at the same time he also looks like he doesn’t really care anymore. Either he’s kind of liking this new look or this isn’t the first time this has happened and he’s just eagerly waiting for his fur to grow out.
In what can only be described as the reverse of the doggy bobblehead from above, here we have the elusive baby head haircut. Instead of leaving only the fur on the dog’s head, the owner here decided to shave the dog’s head making it look like his head was from a puppy which he ripped off of it and put atop an adult dog’s body, for the laughs. He looks like one of those children who sit on each other’s shoulders and put a trench coat on so they can sneak into the movies. It is incredibly unsettling to see a tiny baby head connected to a fully grown dog, like putting a baby doll’s head on top of a Barbie doll—the stuff of nightmares.
Some pet owners seem to think that just because a certain hairstyle looks good on humans, it is going to look great on dogs. Some owners turn their dogs into other animals, such as pandas and bears. But this doggy in this picture was given full bangs while every single strand of fur on the rest of his body was trimmed very shortly. The most important part of the body to remove hair from to make sure that the dog is able to see is the one place they weren’t able to remove hair from. The dog ends up looking like a suburban mom in her 40s in a café asking to speak to the manager because the young barista messed up her super complicated order