Milly, The Smallest Dog In The World At Under 4 Inches Tall
Milly is a Chihuahua who just didn't seem to grow up. When she was a puppy she had to be fed with an eye dropper, and her whole body could fit into a teaspoon. Here are a few pictures of her for you to enjoy:
Milly is in the Guinness Book Of Records as being the smallest dog at just 3.8 inches high.
The Berger Picard, Miniature American Shepherd and Lagotto Romagnolo are the newest dog breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2015.
Hi, Thank you for sharing those details, but what does that have to do with the article I just posted, please??
While I do not mind you sharing these important facts on dogs especially, can I kindly ask that you kindly keep it relevant to what each article is about please , so that everyone can learn on that same topic at hand. Thank you!!
What a cutie little dog! 😄