14 smartest dog breeds

in #dog3 years ago

It is common knowledge that dog breeds vary in their personality traits, and it has been long debated which dog breed is the most intelligent. There is a plethora of dog breeds in the world, with over 190 pure and mixed breeds included, yet the argument remains the same. Each fur parent is biased to their own fur baby, claiming that they are the smartest, and that no other dog can match them, which is only natural. After all, parents will always see their child as the brightest, smartest, most beautiful baby. However, statistics do not acknowledge these claims, and they show just how smart each breed is. According to said statistics and several studies, here are the smartest dog breeds in the world nowadays.

1.Australian Shepherd

The name is just that; a name. Australian shepherds have become famous in Australia, but they are originally from America, with roots dating back to the 19th century. Australian Shepherds are hardworking, determined, tame, and very intuitive. They are also very easy to train and require plenty of activities to allow them to reach their peak.


Poodles are the most seen dogs in dog contests, and for a very good reason. As it seems, poodles are considered among the smartest dog breeds on earth. Originally from France, these dogs rise up to their heritage by being inherently sophisticated, dignified, and very smart. Poodles are easily trained and love being showered with affection and attention.

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Originally from Belgium and dating to the 19th century, schipperkes are considered sheep dogs, and they do their job very well. They are very intelligent and quick to adapt. They are also very intuitive, friendly and are excellent shepherds.

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Their pelage may differ alongside their attitude, but keeshond remain stalwart in terms of their intelligence. They are very intuitive dogs, as well, and are very diligent. Keeshonds have been bred to hunt rat, and they do that task rather brilliantly. Keeshonds are known for being calm and easy to train. They are easily home trained, and can respond to instructions rather quickly.

5.Brittany Spaniel
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Originally from 19th century France, this dog was bred for hunting. Its nose is especially sensitive, and it can detect rather subtle smells with ease. It is also known for being rather clever, and quite loyal. They hunt in packs, and enjoy being spoilt, albeit they also enjoy their alone time. They are very calm, and they are intuitively responsive, and enjoy hunting as a pass time.

6.Long-haired Collie
All Collies are inherently clever, although there are some exceptions that rise above the rest. The long-haired Collie is such an exception. It was bred for herding, and its responsivity makes it perfect for this task. Long-haired Collies are very smart, respond well to instructions, and enjoy long walks with their parent to whom they are fiercely loyal.

7.Welsh Corgi

While they seem rather underwhelming, Welsh Corgis have been bred for herding. Their size works in their favor as they are able to move much more quickly and are more agile than the larger breeds, which allows them to do their job efficiently and quickly. Welsh Corgis are a cross breed of an original Welsh Corgi and a Swedish Vallhund, which explains their high intelligence and considerable intuition. Smart and loyal, Welsh Corgi make for perfect companions.

8.Shetland Sheep Dog
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Shetland Sheep Dogs are rather unassuming, but they are rather strong and quick. Built from wiry muscle, this dog breed is very agile, very intelligent, and very loyal. Shetland Sheep Dogs are known for being very calm, as well, and for being very responsive.

9.English Cocker Spanie

Originating from England, this Cocker Spaniel breed is one of the most ancient and prestigious dog breeds. They date back to the 15th century, and have been bred, trained and raised for hunting, but that does not make them bad domestic pets. Their intelligence is nothing to scoff at, and they are very commonly seen in dog contests.

10.Gordon Setter
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This Anglo-Scottish breed is a royal breed that takes its name from an actual Duke. Like many English breeds, Gordon Setters have been bred for hunting, which makes it obvious that they are rather advanced in terms of intelligence. They are also extremely loyal and loving.

11.Welsh Terrier
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As their name say, Welsh Terriers originate from Wales, in which they were bred to hunt foxes and rodents. Welsh Terriers are rather intelligent, with a keen nose and a strong intuition, which allowed them to hunt the wily foxes easily. They are hard to train, but, once they are, they are very friendly and amazing companions.

12.Australian Cattle Dog
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Australian Cattle Dogs have been bred for herding. The herding group of breeds is known for containing the smartest dog breeds, and the Australian Cattle Dogs are no exception. They are known for their intelligence, responsivity, ease of communication, and loyalty.

13.Belgian Tervuren
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Belgian Tervuren, or Terms for short, are notorious for being independent and rather considerable intelligence. They must be trained extremely well, or else their intelligence will backfire on them and end up with them hurt. They enjoy playing so turning their job into games will help them enjoy their work and employ their agility, tracking, obedience and speed rather efficiently.

14.Bernese Mountain Dog
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Bernese Mountain Dogs are quite strong and well-suited for herding cattle. They are also very sensitive and can refuse any harsh orders or any change in their training. They are very active dogs that need to exercise very often, or else they risk going a little stir-crazy.
Each and every single breed here is notable for its considerable intelligence. However, this is not an extensive list, and honorary mentions are in order:
Bloodhounds, papillon, Domerman Pinscher, Rottweiler Labrador, Retriever Pembroke, Welsh Corgi Alaskan Husky, Australian Kelpie, German Shepherd, and the Barbet Dog are all rather intelligent dogs, and make for excellent companions and friends.

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