A Bloody mess
Yesterday my Belgian Shepherd friend came to visit like she always does, perhaps two or three times a week. She always comes with her human, and her human visits my human and she visits me, and then we use that visit time to play fetch the ball, we run around the garden, we cuddle, we bathe each other and much more.
But yesterday was a bad day for her, the Belgian Shepherd I mean, she doesn't have a name I guess or maybe we have never asked each other if we have a name, I guess we don't need one to play with each other.
It was a bad day for her because when we were playing fetch the ball she stepped on something, we have no idea where or what, but she stepped on something that broke her foot palm. It was all bloody and she was suffering (but not much, after all she is a Shepherd, she's used to the rough life) and we couldn't play anymore.
She seemed to be ok after our humans took care of her and cured her, but I guess I won't see her in a while until she's fully recovererd.