Time to move to the plagues to defeat the us army?
Many nations have stood and sinned. All have been whipped. Is the next batch ready for elimination?
They can be kings, pretends to be gods, but in reality, they are nothing more than human... at best :).
In short, they are no match, here, there, or far away.
What ever they are, what ever they have, how long they have been, makes no difference.
When the plagues fall, even the greatest warriors, are just, as they always have, at the mercy of the will of God.
And when the Creator of life forcloses, no feds, gov, kings, or emperors can do anything.
from dust to dust...
what will fall on america? who knows... but maybe it's time to start preying for it :) !
they may be able to protect the child rapists, but never will against the plagues...
terminal velocity events? a slow exponential spread? The fallen? misted? dusted? all at once? who knows...