[guide] How to set up muse CLI wallet and witness on docker
Step1 Install docker
If you haven't installed docker, following insturctions on https://docs.docker.com/install/#supported-platforms, please choose your operating system(windows,linux,macOS) to install.
Step2 Open terminal, we call terminal 1, and use below docker command to download muse-source docker image:
docker pull museblockchaindocker/muse-source
Step3 Run container:
docker run --name muse-source -itd museblockchaindocker/muse-source
Step4 Enter container:
docker exec -it muse-source /bin/bash
Step5 Use the following command to start mused program:
Step6 Open another terminal, we call terminal 2, and use the following command to enter same container:
docker exec -it muse-source /bin/bash
Step7 Use the following command to start cli_wallet program:
Step8 Set wallet password:
set_password "pass…."
Step9 unlock wallet:
unlock "pass..."
Step10 import WIF private key and active private key If you don’t have WIF private key and active private key, Please go to https://wallet.museblockchain.com/ apply.
import_key <WIF private key>
import_key <active private key>
Step11 use list_my_accounts, see your account.
Done, muse cli_wallet is working now. You also can type about
check muse-source version and type info
check blockchain sync.
If you want to set up witness, you have to edit config.ini, following below steps:
Step1 In terminal 2, press ctrl+c to exit cli_wallet program and close it.
Step2 Switch terminal 1, and press ctrl+c to exit mused program.
Step3 Use the following command
cd witness_node_data_dir
Step4 Use editor to set config.ini file(witness name and WIF private key) .
vim config.ini
locate these lines:
# name of witness controlled by this node (e.g. initwitness )
# witness =
# WIF PRIVATE KEY to be used by one or more witnesses or miners
# private-key =
edit and look like this:
# name of witness controlled by this node (e.g. initwitness )
witness = "initwitness"
# WIF PRIVATE KEY to be used by one or more witnesses or miners
private-key = 5………
Save and exit vim.
Step5 Use the following command
cd ..
Step6 Use the following command to start mused program:
Step7 Open another terminal, we call terminal 2, and use the following command to enter same container:
docker exec -it muse-source /bin/bash
Step8 Use the following command to start cli_wallet program:
Step9 unlock wallet:
unlock "pass..."
Step10 announce yourself as a witness, use update_witness
command,the format look like this:
update_witness "yourwitnessname" "witness_url" "yor_witness_pub_key" {} true
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