Politics Make Strange Bedfellows
Politics Make Strange Bedfellows
Ha, my Mom used to say that all the time. She also had a book in our house with that exact title. I never read the book, she never explained it, she had so many books, she read like a fiend. So did I. But the idea of "Bedfellows" made me think to myself, "what the heck is a Bedfellow?" I could grasp strange, as I had seen and heard so many fights over political stuff. Mom would chime in and say, "Never discuss politics and religion."
It's funny how when you are young, parents tend to throw around cliches that you actually have to become an adult before you understand them. But they say them anyway and expect you to abide by them.
I used to tell my son, "Keep your shirt on!" He was always all over the place, full of energy and wanting things to happen immediately, if not sooner. One day he responds, "Mom, I'm not taking my shirt off, why do you say that to me all the time?" LOL, then I had to explain to him what that cliche meant. Of course when I was growing up, you didn't question them you just went along with your day and hoped you didn't do anything that would draw the ire of your parents, whatever it was that they meant or didn't mean.
Looking at this Donna Brazile flipflop, that old saying came back to me Politics Make Strange Bedfellows. But then I want to add this to the list. "When you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas." Another classic!
These politicians are doing so much that it has become a clusterfuck or people falling over each other, covering for each other, stabbing each other (in the face mind you) and lying for and against each other. They are swirling in a cacophony of distortions and conflagrations that they cannot even keep up with it themselves.
Their tentacles spread into Hollyweird and quiet as its kept into NGO's, non profits and even churches.
Another thing I never understood as a child was why folks said politics impacts on every aspect of your life. Then I grew up. So now, we see what the political fat and skinny cats will do to each other across a wide spectrum of activities all to save their own lives.
So Donna Brazile, within days blames Hillary then says, she didn't blame Hillary and Trump responds in the most unprofessional way, like a teenager in the school yard mocking and jeering at Hillary and the DNC. Some things are truly left unsaid, especially nowadays when it can be archived for eternity. Twitter has had enough of that guy, Twitter wants to ban his account.
Below you will find links to two articles on this curfuffle. Donna is trying to get out of the "Bed of Sharks" not sure how successful she'll be cause Hillary has a trigger finger.
Not too sure why people are turning on Hillary, it must be really hot in the DNC kitchen, but Politico in the past has been a staunch pundit for the DNC and Hillary. Maybe fake news is trying to save it's neck because alternative news has been gaining steam and more and more people do not trust the MSM.
Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC
When I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians hacked our emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign.
By DONNA BRAZILE November 02, 2017
When I got back from a vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, I at last found the document that described it all: the Joint Fund-Raising Agreement between the DNC, the Hillary Victory Fund, and Hillary for America.
The agreement—signed by Amy Dacey, the former CEO of the DNC, and Robby Mook with a copy to Marc Elias—specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.
So from Gateway Pundit (which I always got the impression they were Hillary supporters to the point I don't read their articles too much, too slanted for my taste)
However now we get from the Gateway Pundit......
Holy Crap! Former DNC Chair Jumps Ship: Donna Brazile Turns on Hillary After Leaking Debate Questions to Her During Primary by Jim Hoft
The former chair claims Hillary has been controlling the DNC Victory Funds since before she got the nomination. Brazile also said the funding arrangement with HFA and the Victory Fund agreement was unethical and it compromised the party’s integrity.
This is big news considering it was Donna Brazile who leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton during the Democrat primary.
Then she flips:
In an article she seems to scream out loud, "I never said that!" Of course she never said those words; "Hillary rigged the election" but her landing was not to far off the "blame Hillary for the DNC downfall" either. Clearly in the above quote she is strongly indicating that Hillary used her financial claws to make sure that she had full control over the DNC that was drowning after Obama left it in debt. My question is, what are they spending millions of dollars on?
Hah-Hah! Donna Brazile Now Claims She Never Said Hillary ‘Rigged’ Primary and Lashes Out at Trump
by Jim Hoft
What a Trainwreck–Former DNC temporary Chairwoman Donna Brazile turned on Hillary Clinton this week.
The former party chair claimed Hillary has been controlling the DNC Victory Funds since before she got the nomination. Brazile also said the funding arrangement with HFA and the Victory Fund agreement was unethical and it compromised the party’s integrity.
In other words, Hillary rigged the election.
In the final analysis, politics does make STRANGE BEDFELLOWS and I would wager, that they are much more stranger now, then 50 years ago when I was a young child. And let us not forget, the Russians did it!