Your Dna has Tons of untapped knlowedge
our dna u can replay like a literal video and see the entire history of our race no the bs they teach u in corporation obediance programming schools
higher verisons of bi-pedials have all the way up to 12 strands fully plugged into the 12 chakras of the universe/mutliverse.
ive begun feeling that so called et's are literally just us its the same as meeting anyone else on earth....
its giving me goosebumps cause i know 100% ive met dragons, unicorns ,fairies, interstellar travelers
although we can go and replay our history or sit in mediation and see the video like the point thousands of years ago where we needed the fall from Atlantis and asked the universe for it so the martians came in and helped collapse it .
or all the other points star beings have interacted with us....
i mean we literally have goverment officals coming forward publicly stating beings like that i speak of and others are here and everywhere .... and have been the entire fucking time....
the hologram of being seperate/seperatish is just as valuable and nice though
i know this is real we are literally the fucking mutliverse and i can feel it......
sides i can just do a ce-5 anytime i want and make contact with beings or channel them so
no need 1 judge urself cuz ur not a fucking 9 dimesnional plebeian whatever the fuck or whatever there where they are and so are we!
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be government instead of goverment.