Steemit Alternative Fresh Launch Dmunity be the 700th token holder.
When I was browsing I noticed a new launch for a steemit alternative in Beta-testing Dmunity, a Social Curation Market launching on Ethereum.
With only 699 Token Holders as of my post this is in extremely early Beta 3 days old beta and you could become user 700 at the time of this post.
Worst case it doesn't scale and the best case your a Bleeding edge adopter earning Ethereum tokens once the marketplace is operational.
With alternatives launching after HF20 and some preserving the pre-fork chain like Weku, this may be an interesting alternative.
What is DMUNITY?
DMUNITY is the first Ethereum-based Social Media Curation Market - a social platform fueled by an economy. Users are rewarded tokens for posting and curating content relevant to the community.
How do I earn tokens?
You earn tokens for bringing valuable contributions to the community. There are 3 ways to achieve this:
Posting: Posting relevant content to the community. The amount of tokens earned from the post is based on the Voting System - from the number of upvotes/downvotes the post receives.
Curating: Curating other users' posts. This is is done by either upvoting or downvoting a post. You are rewarded more tokens for curating newer posts.
Holding: Holding on to your tokens. You will receive tokens as dividends for being economically active in the community.
How are the tokens created and distributed?
All new tokens are created at an interval (e.g. daily) and are pooled in a Rewards Fund. The first 50% of the Fund is given out as dividends to existing token holders. The remaining 50% is split amongst posts based on their voting scores. Each post's reward is then split between the poster and the curators of the post. The poster receives 50% of the reward and the curators receive the rest, which are distributed in a way to favor early curators first.
What is the purpose of these tokens?
The tokens you hold represent your reputation in the community. The more tokens you hold, the more influence you have on the Voting System (upvotes/downvotes). This ultimately determines the post's reward (an amount of tokens allocated from the Rewards Fund) and the post's rank/visibility on the website (the position on the "Curated" feed).
How long do I have to wait to receive my earned tokens?
Tokens paid out from the Rewards Fund are only distributed to posts that have matured. It takes 3 days for a post to mature. No votes can be submitted to the post after maturity.
How do I buy and sell tokens?
The Marketplace is still under construction. You will be able to buy and sell your earned tokens for ETH.
How do I withdraw tokens?
This is an early Proof of Concept of the platform where all transactions are processed off-chain. Our primary goal for this early Beta version is to provide the best user experience for this new social economy experiment. Our first official release will be a fully scalable Plasma chain in Q1 2019. All Beta tokens earned will be ported to the Main net on release.
Additional notes
Referral stuff if you want to look into it get some extra Dmunity Tokens + 500 tokens apparently you start with 50 its not bad to use the referral and easy to link with a metamask account.
I have tried, with and without the referral, but this is what I get:
Is this only for the USA IPs? It might explain the reply...or else maybe they are down temporarily?
Hmm strange I am running it from Canada, and linked the account with Metamask 10 minutes ago so it should be running without issue. I never did try the email registration options though which may have issues as I used metamask to approve the account though it took a few minutes to confirm the signing it ran without issue.
I have no idea what Metamask is. All I did is place the link (with your referral) in my browser and click for it to open the page. Basically nothing happened, so after a few attempts, I tried using a proxy, but that also bid not work.
Metamask is basically the app you use to run Ethereum programs you can get it from the chrome or firefox store works for a bunch of things like minds etc. Basically runs Dapps like what steemit is going towards.
The issue may be that you need to link and create an account then it should work without issue, you can claim the referral after the account is made tested it out.

(I did check is it down though and the site seems to be working