Sex, Drugs, and Base Consciousness
Sacred vs Dogmatic - An Entheogenic Debate
(A.) Recreational drug or entheogen use is disrespectful of proper sacred communion, and an indication of base consciousness...
(B.) Recreational sex is disrespectful of the proper emotional and spiritual bonds possible between those individuals, and harmful to the self and the other involved, as well as indicating base consciousness...
This is a debate that I honestly cannot believe that I am having on a social media thread, which thread I have abandoned to the moronic blabber therein. I guess that I must personally take up the responsibility of educating this freedom community as to what it actually means for something to be Sacred or Divine, because many several of you don't have a clue, and are more than pleased to advocate and practice a lack of standards which indicate none other than willful base consciousness.
I'll open simply enough by providing a few definitions, and positing two specific context for grounds of conversation. If I have to explain it to the lesser of you, this is not a "comment your opinion" type thread. Its a formal debate thread. If you are not willing and able to defend your position spiritually and intellectually, you need not comment whatsoever.
(1.) Entheogens are psychoactive compounds such as Ergoline alkaloids, Ibotenic acid, Atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine, Thujone, Kavalactones, Diterpenoid known as “Salvinorin A”, Psilocybin and psilocin, Phenethylamine alkaloids, principally Mescaline, Beta-carboline harmala alkaloids, MAOIs and DMT (dimethyltryptamine), and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). These compounds can be extremely useful when used in a mature, informed, and specifically respectful, Shamanistic (that is to say a specifically spiritual and psychological) context. One must have the proper setting within the mind, within the local environment, and conduct the 'communion' for the right purpose.
(2.) It must be understood that entheogens (from the Greek language – En: Within, Theos: Divine, Genere: Create) are themselves conscious, and to be taken seriously, because the induced states are not mere experiences to be laughed at, but consciousnesses to be communed with, which offer correction when they are abused. These are known also as Psychedelics (also from the Greek language – Psyche: Mind, Deloun: To Make Clear). This is what true holiness, communion, and sacrament is; not an external holiness to be learned, and not an external communion such as instruction, and certainly not a dead sacrament, but a holy personal communion, a living sacrament (Sacrum: Holy or Sacred, and Mente: Mind – To make the mind holy) within ones own self, in the immediacy of the moment of what I refer to as the "hypernuminous awe" and consciousness expanding gnosis (the clear and holy mind).
(3.) Theses compounds have a natural relationship with human biological and conscious evolution in every natural and numinous human culture, and it is only within cultures domesticated and indoctrinated by the Elite governments dialectic that these compounds are made illegal, and that is precisely because the "Elite" understand that anyone who experiences these compounds will NOT remain in base consciousness, will NOT be willful slaves, and will not be deceived by political and astrotheological abstractions. Those who achieve the Higher Will see through abstractions and reject fabricated concepts of personal identity and the supposed “roles” we are told we must play or fulfill. Entheogens and Psychedelics are toxic to their dialectic because they lead the people back to a Numinous understanding of Natural Law, and away from the hypnotizing media induce coma whereas the blind masses dwell. This is why the Elites common laws bastardize altered states of consciousness, and this is why their media outlets lies about, distort, and slander, the intentions of those who advocate them, Mark Passio, Graham Hancock, Amber Elizabeth Lyon, Sam Harris, David Icke, Timothy Leary, Dr. Albert Hofmann, Dennis McKenna, Terence McKenna, and Alan Watts, to name but only a few. The Elite do not want you to OWN your own consciousness, or to modify it, because they want to own it, and they want to modify it, to their own ends.
(4.) It is my position therefore, that I welcome this group and its members to challenge, that because something is sacred, it is NOT something to be selfishly abused in a recreational context or manner.
(5.) The standard of revering something sacred is not to be conflated with "Pushing Dogma upon others".
(6.) Another attempting to use the justification of "I have different valuations" is nothing more than their excuse for VIOLATING NATURAL LAW, and reducing enthogenic communion to "Getting High", and reducing sacred love making to "A Quick Fuck"... which is the pursuit of personal gratification and ego worship, and all things therefor BASE and mundane, and otherwise unbecoming of spiritual evolution and The Great Work.
- D. M. Hutchins 2nd