Cannabis - To Modify or Not To Modify

If you are buying Cannabis in the form of "wax" or "dab" you have absolutely NO idea if the Cannabis plants were genetically modified or what chemicals may have been used to augment their growth cycle. Personally, I don't even like hydro grown Cannabis because that is not how Nature designed the plant to grow in the wild. Imagine you reaction if a corporation suggested that you eat hydro potatos that which they claimed to have WAY MORE potato per bite? Hell no, you'd want normally grown potatos, right, lol? And really, what would a more potato'y potato even be? People often will lose their mind and rant about not eating highly refined sugar due to its negative health effects, however, they will also turn around and eat or smoke highly refined Cannabis "products" that I don't even view as being real weed... Its a very hypocritical double standard that I have seen practiced by even the most adamant of Vegans and fitness freaks. I would advocate only consuming natural Cannabis (home or farm grown without chemicals) in its original form, and smoking or cooking with it in that form. Cannabis is fine exactly the way it is, and all of these Cannabis "PRODUCTS" made in labs are for-profit scams that disrespect the Cannabis and make the consumers look like crack heads.

Now lets be clear about my position here. I am only indicating the recreational consumption of Cannabis, as I fully support and advocate the medical treatments which have improve countless lives around the world. But that is no excuse to produce highly refined and genetically modified mutant Cannabis simply for recreational consumption.

Lets talk about it. What do you think?

  • D. M. Hutchins 2nd

A lot to address here...
Extractions can be made with or without chemical solvents. Either way can produce a safe extract. It is a great way to glean the trichomes from an otherwise undesirable product (trim and leaves). Crossbreeding for certain traits, such as potency, allows growers to grow more product in less space with less water and energy consumption. Hydroponics deliver the necessary nutrients, can be done organically and saves water when done properly. The ruderalis shown in the photo will require much more smoke inhalation and won't get you high...

I agree to the extent that someone is at home and cooking or extracting their own cannabis, however, if you are buying your eatables and extracts from a store, you really have nothing to go on but their word, and we all know the reputations of corporations rather well. They will do or say anything in order to make a dollar. They just want your money and often have no regard for your health whatsoever. The issue of crossbreeding for greater potency so that corporations can grow more "product" in less space with less energy, is still turning away from nature and mutating the cannabis plant to suit corporate desires, rather than using the entheogen as nature provides it. While I can see you points for the merit they offer, I disagree that "getting high" should be the ultimate goal of growing cannabis, and even if it were, it should be grown naturally no matter what the cost. At some point there will be no original cannabis left and everyone will be stuck with something that is far too powerful and unnaturally overwhelming simply due to past corporate greed to make money rather than preserving this awesome medicine. Thats just my opinion, and I welcome further exchange.

The extracts now being sold in California are safer than the glyphosate covered vegetables at the local market. Regulations require inspection for pesticides and microbials. I agree that there is plenty of corporate greed entering this space and transforming it purely for profit. However, it's the old school growers that have taken cannabis to the next level, not VCs. The cannabis I smoke today is way safer than the stuff we used to get 30 years ago that had mold, mildew and the occasional diesel fuel fumes from being trucked across the border in a fuel tank.

You'll get no argument from me in terms of the filth they place on and in the food supply, but truly that in no way addresses my position. Hitting your self in the face with a hammer is far better than shooting yourself in the face, so lets all get our hammers ready, right? Well no, these are both harmful, and so both should stop. Addressing a greater evil does not justify a lesser evil. They have to be addressed individually, and so I suggest that we do. You do make a good point that several modern standards are safer than past standards, so I'd like to ask you to list several if you be so kind. What would you say are the top five benefits of modern cannabis farming, and what did they improve? I will note, however, that the need to smuggle cannabis in fuel tanks was born of legal limitations which in many ways represents a corporation, government, gang in its own right. Obviously I have as little respect for the government as I do the corporation.

Crossbreeding and extracting is in no way "evil". This discussion is pointless.

If you'd paid attention you'd see that cross breeding and extraction are not our primary topic, rather it is the standard by which such is conducted, and the lack of standards by corporations whose agenda in monetary profit. Good day to you, sir. Please do find yourself a discussion with a point. lol

Not the primary topic, but relevant. Can you show me spectrometer readings from trichomes that contain the synthetic nutrients from non-organic growers? Until you can, it's just misguided speculation. In terms of GMO I do not know that it has taken "root" in the industry as of yet.
You mention entheogenic properties...i.e. 'getting high'.

That corporate greed will destroy the quality of a consumable is not speculation whatsoever, as there are more than enough examples across the market of plants of any kind. And No, sir, the term enthogen does not imply getting "high". It implies conscious expansion and shamanistic uses, not the lay persons recreational base consciousness.

No hydro in nature? How about the Amazon?

How about every stream and river?

Obviously, sir, I was indicating hydroponic laboratories that grow unnaturally potent cannabis that doesn't occur in nature at that level of THC. For CBD production I believe that treatment of illness merits such processing, however, the recreational consumption does not merit mutating and altering the plant in unnatural ways. I welcome your views if you can defend them without making an argument for corporate greed.

I'm a medical grower who has served the medical marijuana community since the law changed. So what 17 years or something of legal growing. Oh I could have made millions. And right now I'm homeless. And still serving the community.

And it's in breeding not chemicals. Are you just not understanding? A chemical smell like you get in amoniatic? Nitrogen is what your talking about. And it makes the bud taste funny. Yep.

But your stupid. THC is only made by the plant. And you can do organic hydro. It's huge here. Multiple billion is spent here in Portland just on organic and natural fertilizers.

But come on. No matter what the plant is responsible for the production of THC you just don't get that. So your blaming the breeder? Or the genetic line of the plant?

Oh and some plants won't live with chemical fertilizers.

My understanding is fine, sir. I can understand and disagree. No need to become emotional here. And no, I wasn't referring to either of those chemicals either. I was indicating the manipulation of the cannabis plant via any unnatural conditions whatsoever, be they chemical, grow conditions, or selective breeding. I would ask that the next time you want to tell me that I am stupid, you should differentiate "your" and "you're" because you were looking for the "you're" variation as it implies "you are". But keep smoking that mutant weed, because who needs spelling, right? That aside, if you had actually read my article, you'd see that I am making an argument against corporate interest and for the natural cannabis plant, thus your "we be make'in billions" reply is not exactly a rebuttal of my position, or a defense of your grammar skills for that matter. In the future I would ask that you actually read the content of my articles before responding. With all due respect, sir, lay off the weed for a while and get yourself a home and some grammar skills. Good day.

And now corporate greed? Come-on. That's bs. Next thing your going to advocate for the assault on people that don't match your views...

Sir, I am advocating for ending the assault on life and nature by corporate greed, and the deliberate dumbing down of humanity via infiltration of education and domination of medicine and recreation of entheogen. Should you properly discern violence from force, you'd use a more specific term than assault, but to answer your question, yes, I'd more than readily use force to defend nature, humanity, and that which is just and true. Good day to you. And by the way, you still haven't quite gotten a handle on "your" and you're". You are looking for "you're" as that contraction implies "you are".

No worries I'll just mute.

Go ahead and take your attempt to make things more complicated elsewhere. Thanks and moved on.

And if you want to talk about unnatural... Why not talk about feminized seed?


It will be difficult to discuss that topic while muted, no?

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