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RE: #FREE TOMMY ! NOW ! He is being Held Here !

in #dmania7 years ago

We better win, this has gone too far. But why does no one care. Why does everyone act like it’s bit going on and turn a blind eye to the horror. We need to take back our safety! The gov want their people in danger, it’s madness!!!! We have been screaming loudly for years, but now we need to join together and make a stand! Enough is enough!!!! If we don’t we will all leave England and give up our country


Yes thata so right @sunsethunter ! where can we go if we indeed lose our country ! who will take us in ??? i can tell you nobody near or especially far ! this is our only land the one of our forefathers ! the ones that gave their blood to keep it Britain ! Now its our turn to pick up the sword and cut this tree of Islamic sucking neo-liberal facist cucks down !

We are going to have to, they’re leaving us no choice. We need the police and military on our side too, we can’t have them fighting us too like they are. Bring back our troops we have work to do at home. It’s just going crazy, I can’t believe it’s illegal to even speak bout the tommy Robinson case, regardless of what he’s done or who he is, how can we not be allowed to speak about it. That shows that something major is wrong and something big is brewing...
Exactly who will take us in? Where can we go? Why are the cuck police and cuck government not giving and fuck about the people

There is nowhere for us to go and besides this is OUR Country, we will need to fight it street by street probably as for the British army and the police force !! Well @sunsethuntergo here and look at this and terll me if truly the British Army even if they dont stand by us are a threat to millions of people when push come to shove ??
But then it wont be just the British Army as if this does go to the wall, I think we can expect the E.U to come in with the UN "Peace Keepers" too ! Oh God we are in seriously horrible times and its beyonf frightneing but then total war always is ! Here we go a fucking gai eh ?? (
The thing is the Deepstate knew full well what this enforced immingration would result in and they have planned for it you can be sure of that !

Yep that’s the thing, deepstate knew this was happening, they’ve planned it... they want this to happen but why. Why do they want England to fall and go to shit... it’s going to get taken over soon if some major changes are made now!
I wonder what the situation of tommy is, I wonder if he’s going to be released or if the law will actually come into place and set him free

They are building a technocratic superstate with the E.U ! Their plan is world government ruling over a dumbed downed multicultural, hence non nationalistic population that are destined by them to be slave workers at best and at worst enitre populations removed and killed ! this is not a joke and it is their plan !!
I am very afraid that Tommy will not get out of that prison alive ! They cant execute him as they want to remove his voice so they will deliver him to his worst enemies ! Namley the Muslim gangs present in that jail in Leeds !! I have no real hopes but I do pray for him that somehow the public pressure we are seeing might force them to release him !! But hmmm not sure they will allow that ! I think truly he is a gonner now (

They are completely dumbing us down as much as they can, that’s for sure. But if England gets taken over they won’t be able to control it, or really then it will be controlled anyway as it already is being by underlying forces .
Oh no he can’t just go nitnget released it’s illegal! When I heard they are sending him to a jail in Leeds I thought exactly that, they wanted him executed. The Muslim gangs are fucking everywhere in uk, I don’t know what to do about... what is even being done?
Shit I really hope he isn’t a gonner :( the uk justice system must have some people who can think... what am I talking about they’re all cucks playing the game completely brain washed to fuck and child rapists themselves

The bif disgusting Truth is @sunsethunter is that the Satanistic paedolfilic power elites of Britain and Europe as a whole made an Unholy Alliance as they both love children for their debauched needs ! They work together as one and its really all comes down to the access to children ! Why indeed were the boy scouts in America handed over to Multisex politcs with girls npow entered into the camp situation with condoms apparently being handed out to 12 to 15 year olds saying use this it ok !! I mean what ?? Its theproof of the common denominataer between Islamists and outright Satanists !! they just love children for their fun and games !!

Yea very true, uk and USA are ran by satinists and the pedo rings that operate is very real, it’s heen exposed time and a time again and we have the evidence, it’s all real. The scary thing for me is the fact that nothing gets done about it, because obviously they control what gets done, the royals, the us family’s etc, they can’t prosecute themselves... but it’s disgusting and horrible. No human would wish that on anyone but they are raping and killing kids, we know it’s true!!! Everyone should know but most of the population are sadly mainstream media washed and can’t think outside of the box yet...

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