dlux.io by disregardfiat started on steem predated the metaverse by years and still is ready to bring dpos billions for 2d worlds and game development and investing

in #dlux2 years ago

Dlux is a Powerful open source hive ipfs side chat VR 3d world system for making art and games and tools and can show hive posts in 3d and so much more and its over 4 years old , older than hive and started work on a #metaverse ON steem blockchain before hive was even born and before facebook ever changed their name to meta Screenshot_20230430_115013.jpg Screenshot_20230430-112114_Chrome.jpg

Reviewing this @dlux @dlux-io #dlux hashtag on hive/steemit is an amazing history lesson about how dlux started on steem and theres so much promise here and ya know dlux deserves to be a multi million dollar token and i rhi k u jeed a peg for PDLUX or just DLUX on eth/bsc so more people can actully buy it https://hive.blog/created/dlux the 4 year+ old posts are actually originally on steemit as dlux by @disregardfiat is older than hive itself! https://steemit.com/created/dlux no matter how impwessige ur own chain or token is u will mever get the volume and investoes u Need to make things hrow by being stubbornly on just one chain any user can decide to actually make their own rth/bsc peg themselves but im suprised you havent already made a bsc/eth/wax peg for dlux i know <@413522050544828418> could actually do this work on his own in a day probly https://provable.xyz https://github.com/provablethings the eth/bsc bridge documentation very simple really just a bit of code to add the token to bsc/eth and then up to u to add the dlux peg to uniswap and bsc and liquidity i suggest doing what TLOS did and just keep the nqme TLOS no good comes from adding the P for PDLUX it only fully works well with same token name so people buy dlux in ethereum and just assume thats the only one then they bring it to dapps ptokens io or ur own dlux io dex bridge page of course and have dlux eth and bsc metamask login to bridge the rokens over to dlux on hive its gonna be really nice and u will see one day im right and no amount of being stubbornly single chain will ever help u kr ur invesyors or users who need investment and publicity and the only way to do that is get a dlux peg on ethereum and bsc ,

and then those that buy dlux on uniswap and pancake swap convert to dlux hive using dlux.io/bridge page youd make using github.com/provablethings and it lets people buy and hold DLUX in metamask wallets unrill they want to use it when they convert it to hive dlux but this is the only way youll get to make Tens of Millions in marketcap you deserve and need. few open source 3d blockchain dapps exist at all! . 👓🤳🧊 .

You could even make an ethereum dapp dlux or seperate related eth only version but where people can just pay eth fees hah and u use thatto fill a swap.eth hive engine dlux pool or just sell eth for hive n buy dlux on ur own dex using profits from fees from people using the more expensive dlux ethereum dapp so people see it as some simple ethereum 3d modeling animation vr world system but which gets cheaper when they use the hive side of it so tldr; we need bsc/eth pegs for DLUX AND to use @telosnetwork hive partnership for https://dstor.cloud ipfs style image and 3d model hosting on chai n via tlos

and we need that bsc/eth peg for an adjacent ethereum 3d nft world system with https://glitch.me https://aframe.io and dlux sgould be on all antelope.io chains not just telos which hive has a partnership with but of course the nft king wax and even eos and of course proton who id say is the leader of 3d assets as it has an nft market fork for its protonmarket.com called glbdex.com ! its exactly what it sounds like a dex for GLB blender open source 3d model files!!!! Screenshot_20230430_114614.jpg https://glbdex.com/ So you can buy the 3d models for the nfts you buy AS nfts themselves with licensing etc! now thats sorta what dlux does but this will be a great way to consolidate and get dlux existing on AS MANY chains as it deserves! and dlux should do more with more chains just review scan the titles/thumbnails of some dlux posts updates festures @disregardfiat and other dlux users were working on testing developing and see for youself how important it is ro make dlux exist on as many chains as possible to help lead them all back to hive and dpos chains Screenshot_20230430_114953.jpg Screenshot_20230430_114936.jpg Screenshot_20230430_114919.jpg ![Screenshot_2

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