RE: Frank Bacon is simply practicing stochastic activism. | What comes next? Taking it to the next level...
The stochastic terrorist
is the person who is responsible for the incitement. For example they go on radio or television and stir up hatred toward a particular person or group…
So... speaking without directly telling someone to actually do things?
Like free speech and things?
Isn't this more of 'take responsibility for your actions' (not words) problem?
Last time I checked, calling someone a 'snowflake' didn't hurt half as much as a baseball bat around the back of the head...
Absolving responsibility of action- to blame someone elss words for oyur action - - is just indicative of the childish mindset prevalent in society today..especially the left.
I would say that if people don't have the strength of character to accept responsibility for their actions, they are not very stable, and probably best if not allowed out into open society...