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RE: The Daily Owl, Ep. 26: You Gotta Be Human Before You Can Be A Libertarian

in #dlive6 years ago

Addressing the letter of your post.

I think both a belief in God and the belief in the big bang could be considered a religion. If you believe in God you have to have faith that he was the progenitor of all things, the same goes with the belief in the big bang. Yet, there is no explanation for what caused God to exist or what caused the big bang to happen. Hell, for all I know God created the big bang, now wouldn't that be something?

Point being is that both are religions. So when you talk about, you've got to be a human first bear in mind that the legal system has a very specific meaning for the term human, it does not mean that you have to adopt their meaning for the word. We use legal words all the time in a common setting, and for the most part, we all know what we're talking about. Yet, just imagine if certain religious folks were to use evolutionary theory as a con to get men to believe they are monkeys so that they can have rightful dominion over them according to the letter of the biblical law.

"Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Addressing the spirit of your post.

I'm so sorry for your friend and I agree with you 100% that the best voluntaryists are the ones who have empathy and treat each others as they themselves would want to be treated. I wonder if he's looked into b17, laetrile, amygdalin etc. This is not medical advice, merely an observation. Some folks I see on the internet consume seeds and or inject vials of this stuff which is supposed to destroy cancer cells, it may be something worth looking into. I've been consuming the seeds myself for some time as an experiment in hopes that it will lower my odds of getting cancer. The stuff can be highly dangerous, even lethal if consumed incorrectly. So, by all means, it's not something one should jump into without having done lots of research on the matter.


Did you watch the video, I wonder? I defined what I meant by "religion" therein.

Yep, but I wrote most of the comment before watching the video, I thought you might find it interesting nonetheless. If you are able to grab that .pdf from the internet archive, it's a pretty curious thing. I'm starting to think that voluntaryism might be in the background and that people have been unknowingly volunteering themselves into the scheme of government. Here's another one breaking down that list of words we were chatting about the other day, the mind control that we're all either subjected to, or subject ourselves to, goes very deep.

Yep, but I wrote most of the comment before watching the video...

Yes, that was apparent.

What can I say --> I'm only human.
We miss the mark (sin) sometimes.
-In spirit, I agreed with you 100%-

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